NYD Clone 1st Grow


Active Member
You know Gliwrx, I'm wondering if the pics aren't a touch of N deficiency. Have you ever given them any N nutes during veg? You really haven't fed them much....

On the 9th they were stressed from drought, I think you gave them straight water right? How much Big Bloom per gallon did you feed them and how many times since then?
well ive only fed them once because i used FFOF and was told its quite hot. i fed 4 tbsp of bigbloom per gallon. i did only give them water after the drought as well.


Well-Known Member
Ok cool, since you're not using the trio they will want some N which they would get from Grow Big and Tiger Bloom. I would say feed with N fert and Big Bloom, feed every other watering with PH straight water, I like to give them cal mag with the straight water to offset the cal mag deficiencies with FFOF. When feeding with nutes I would go 1/2 strength then 3/4 then full. You can lay off the N and go mostly with bloom after week 4, but watch for N deficiencies. It is normal for them to lose foliage closer to harvest but she needs N too through flower to maintain healthy foliage. just not as much as veg. Basically since most of the nutrients are now depleted from the soil she's looking for N as well as the flower nutes you're using.

Its definitely not nute burn IMO.


Active Member
Ok cool, since you're not using the trio they will want some N which they would get from Grow Big and Tiger Bloom. I would say feed with N fert and Big Bloom, feed every other watering with PH straight water, I like to give them cal mag with the straight water to offset the cal mag deficiencies with FFOF. When feeding with nutes I would go 1/2 strength then 3/4 then full. You can lay off the N and go mostly with bloom after week 4, but watch for N deficiencies. It is normal for them to lose foliage closer to harvest but she needs N too through flower to maintain healthy foliage. just not as much as veg. Basically since most of the nutrients are now depleted from the soil she's looking for N as well as the flower nutes you're using.

Its definitely not nute burn IMO.
good to hear. i was planning on getting tiger bloom within the week. will this be sufficient? or will i also need the N fert. im also finding a few leaves that have greyish brownish spots. the spots are mostly in the middle of the leaves and not at the edges. ill post some pics


Well-Known Member
Yes, more N will be necessary even with the tiger bloom. They're running short now and I wouldn't risk the Tiger Bloom having enough. Try to get them a feeding of some N asap. I will look for the pics.


Active Member

added some GO biothrive grow and bloom with FF big bloom. hopefully itll clear up my N deficiency. The second plant isnt filling out as much as the first probably because its had so many node repairs


Well-Known Member
Hey hey hey! Nice work and I must say they are looking very nice. They're only 25 days in, lots of time left and so far I think you're going to be higher and happier than 10 hippies at a dead concert.


Active Member
I recommend feeding with cal-mag every other or every 3rd watering starting about 2-3 weeks after transplanting for as long as its in the container. With pro-mix I might start sooner but I've never used it. I hope they're not too bad!
nah there not too bad only a few leaves are like that i think they should be fine after i give them CaMg+ tomorrow morning


Active Member
i feel like the rust happened over night though, should i spray the leaves too? or am i too late into flower?


Well-Known Member
Can't say I've ever heard of cal mag being foliar fed. You might ask around or do some more research on that before you move forward with it. It doesn't smell very good either. If you decide to do it after further research, I would recommend a VERY small amount in the spray as well as spraying right at lights out.

For a foliar feed I would look for something organic with Cal and Mag but that would just be my preference. Blackstrap molasses would get the job done for you most likely and would be an excellent foliar application. I've never used it but I've been starting to feed my vegging plants with foliar sprays and I've discovered they REALLY like it.

Hope it clears up fast man! Keep us posted.


Active Member
Can't say I've ever heard of cal mag being foliar fed. You might ask around or do some more research on that before you move forward with it. It doesn't smell very good either. If you decide to do it after further research, I would recommend a VERY small amount in the spray as well as spraying right at lights out.

For a foliar feed I would look for something organic with Cal and Mag but that would just be my preference. Blackstrap molasses would get the job done for you most likely and would be an excellent foliar application. I've never used it but I've been starting to feed my vegging plants with foliar sprays and I've discovered they REALLY like it.

Hope it clears up fast man! Keep us posted.
Word, I think ill stay away from the foliar feeding. Im gonna get GO CaMg+ tomorrow morning hopefully that'll clear it up


Active Member
Cool, they're not going to heal but hopefully it keeps from spreading.
I know but it was spreading really fast and it finally seems like its slowing down. They also smelled much more fragrant today than normal not sure ifits the nutes or not but im liking it.


Active Member
Sry I haven't been getting any pics up. My internets been down so im sending from this from my phone. Pics will be up tomorrow.


Active Member
They're doing pretty well. I think the spots are under control because they haven't spread anymore