NYC outdoor grow help


I am growing some Tex Skunk and some Tex Timewarp x bberry outdoors in containers on a terrace in NYC. I planted late (mid -july) and the plants are now about 1 ft tall. As they are growing outside, I cant force the flowering and sunlight wont drop to 12 hours until mid-september. Plants are supposed to flower for 7-8 weeks. Concerned they wont have enough time to harvest before frost becomes a concern. Any suggestions. Thanks


Well-Known Member
They will start to flower before the 12/12 date(If I remember the 26th). You could protect them with a row cover in October. You could make a little green house over them. If you use plastic make sure air can pass through. To warm them fill jugs with hot water and place inside. At night they will give off heat. Row cover like the kind found at Gardener's Supply is much better than plastic though. Still a plastic rain canopy with the row cover on the side would be ideal. You could also taken them in at night.


Thanks for the advice - i ordered some garden cover material from gardners supply.

Another question - as they are in pots outside and I can move them around - can i separate them say 10 feet apart so as not to worry about the Male - Female pollination.


Well-Known Member
You're welcome,

pollen travels on a breeze and can easily journey 10 feet. You need to identify and destroy the males before they release the pollen(kinda feels like having to feed puppies to a lion. Not that i have fed puppies to a lion but that's how i imagine it would feel). That's the beauty of small containers, portability. You can move them anywhere. Another thing you're up on a terrace with probably brick all around you, stone, stucco etc. Your plants are probably in a pretty good place. You can't just take them inside overnight? Marijuana is very hardy and can survive light frosts with no problem. Although I think it helps if it experiences cold in the spring which will not be the case here. If it's cool to just have that plant sitting out there I wouldn't add any covering until you need it for protection. Watch the weather and look out for those temps that go below 40. a plant can survive below that but 40 is an almost magical number for growth in the plant world. Very few plants if any do much below 40. Your whole terrace area probably lets off heat at night btw.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice - i ordered some garden cover material from gardners supply.

Another question - as they are in pots outside and I can move them around - can i separate them say 10 feet apart so as not to worry about the Male - Female pollination.

No that much separation isn't going to do shit. get the males out of your grow or you get bagweed crap