nutritients released over time


I am looking into nutritients for cannabis plant that are released over time, does anyone have experience with them and can recommend some nice brand? thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Lots if potting soil is precharged with time release nutes.

The issue is if you have too much butrient...there's nothing to be done. Can't flush because that will release even more.

Only timed release use that makes sense is for remote outdoor plants that are hard to get to.
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Well-Known Member
that looks like a super soil. guess a premade one. i read that you can do that method to not burn your plants but also if your watering that you dont want to water til run off as you'd be leeching all the nutrients in the soil so if you do water to run off you'd have to add more ammendments down the road. idk though i never used it but i've seen people doing both ways