
Hey guys im new to growing : P
Just need help picking nutrients i want advanced nutrients (but if you can recommend any others please do) i read about them seem pretty good.

Could you tell me which ones to use for the veg and the flowering stage please.

Will be growing in Hydroponics : )

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
i like botanicare, its a lil less money and it works real good...look at the Pure Blend Pro (Grow) and (Bloom), should cost you about 35-40 for both quarts


Well-Known Member
if you choose AN dont get carried away and start buying all their shit,which is easy to do because of their massive range of nutrients and additives they have.


Ursus marijanus
I'll suggest GH Flora series. Cheap (ish), effective and you don't need to spend on WonderBoost!(tm) supplements and "hydrocosmetics". cn


Active Member
heres a good place on ebay for Botanicare,free shipping,combo deals,youll need some cal mag if using reverse osmosis.I use a little here and there anyways,I dont use reverse osmosis right now.I would recommend getting a gallon of Aqua shield too,keeps your res from getting nasty.Keep res temps cool around 67 f if you can. Use some silica blast too from start.Pure blend pro is great stuff,it has some silica,but I like to add a little more.


Active Member
advanced nutrients are good, but there pricey and there are sooooo many diferent types of AN to choose that it makes it more difficult than it needs to be. personally i have always used CANNA nutrients with great results, for hydro they have two, 2-part solutions at about $12 a piece, for vegging Aqua Vega (part A and B) and for flowering Aqua Flores (part A and B) these are stand alone nutrients that need no addatives to produce fat dense high quality buds (tho they do have addatives, the only one worth buying is the PK 13/14). the pic in my avatar was grown using CANNA. whatever i try i will always keep this brand around as my fallback because i know it works


Well-Known Member
I'm a House and Garden man. Roots Excelurator is some awesome stuff. The Shooting Powder really swells buds as well. Those are the only additives I use. I've been really impressed by how well the base nutes work.