
Can I use nutrients from bottle that were made for growing hydroponically? Should I follow schedule on back of bottle per gallon for watering my ladies in soil? The nutes were given to me and are called Bada Bing! Or can I use just an over the counter liquid plant food like miracle grow for Nitrogen, Phos etc? When I mix the nutes according to the directions of bottles the ph lowers per gallon and I have to raise it back up into acceptable perameters. Is this normal? Someone also said tap water is ok as they need small amount of chlorine? I have low levels of chlorine in my tap water as ost due I would expect. Any wisdom would be appreciated.


You want a Ph of 6.5 to 7.0 on your water. I would stay away from miracle grow or any flowering mix from your local hardware stores. Lots on nitrogen in miracle grow and they are usually high in one product for greening or flowering in a couple of days and dropping off real quick. Keep your same regiment on some good nutes and add a little QUANTUM GROWTH beneficial microbes. They are photosynthic bacteria no human or animal waste in the product. They work 24/7 for the plant converting the nutrients the plant needs ten times faster than the plant can do it. The plant doesn't spend time converting it spends it time growing bigger and bigger and producing larger yields. Fed the soil beneficial microbes and the plants will thank you so will your bank manager. Try Douglas Speed and Associates out of fl. they distribute the product for the manufacture world wide. Check their site out good info. Happy growing Indoorman