
This what im planning to do for nutirents.

1 month into veg stage, I will give my plants

Miracle-Gro Water Soluble All-Purpose Plant Food

Special 24-18-6 formula goes to work almost instantly

Anyone know how OFTEN I should apply this?

Into flowering: Miracle-Gro Bloom

Specially formulated to deliver larger blooms from your flowering plants
Miracle-Gro know how in water soluble fertilizers
Easy to apply
Can be applied with each watering if desired - won't harm plants
Note: This product is not available in all stores; please check local regulations for usage

AND how often?

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
never used it but if it says you can use it each watering, you probably would.
at least once a month (some say even every second watering, i don't) you should use only water to rinse away salts buildups.
thats about it.


Active Member
Order some real nutes, even if its cheap 1 part nutes like Maxigrow / bloom. You will not be happy with the results from Miracle Grow. Sorry I had to be a sourpuss and I'm sure 1 or 2 will argue differently but I doubt they can show some outstanding Miracle Grow plants that are cannabis and near the final stages. MG works great to start off but they are missing alot if not all micro-nutrients and are meant for already well fertile soil and by no means meant for Hydroponics at all. Now if your using some descent+ soil then by all means disregard my comments.

Best of luck,


Well-Known Member
MIRACLE GROW = ONE BIG NO NO!!!! if you want to smoke nasty, strange tasting , harsh bud.... that gives you a fertilizer high rather than good clean ganja high... GO for it .... but i doubt thats what you really wanna be smoking.....
peace out....


Active Member
I bought and used some BioBuzz on my 3 week old plant and 1 week old plant last Thursday or Friday and both seem fine! I used more than the stated dose too - I couldn't accurately measure out 3ml in a measuring jug (start at 100ml!). So I'm sure I used more than I was meant to.

Anyway, gave it to both of them, a couple of days later and no sign of nute burn. Will give them some more when the soil is dry. I will probably use a little more this time in actual fact.

But yeah, search what people use on here if you can't get BioBuzz (I got a decent size bottle off eBay for a couple of quid as recommended through here) and just introduce it slowly to your plants. If they start withering slightly or the tips go brown then you know you've over done it.


Well-Known Member
If you are also using MG soil (with the time release nutes) DO NOT add any nutes when watering. The soil is fed for 2-3 months. Just water it. (maybe a little dolomite lime for a bit of pH balancing)