

Active Member
I was wondering when I should start giving my plants fertilizer? The leaves have started turning yellow and i think its because of over watering so im cutting back on that, but i also understand it could be a nitrogen deficiency. How should I mix in the fertilizer? Should i balance the pH of the water with the fertilizer in it or what? Please help! Thanks everyone!


Active Member
How many nodes do your plants have?

Mix fertilizers as directed by the label but start with 1/4 strength if it's your first time. Do not add fertilizer until your soil is sufficiently dried from previous waterings as this will only exacerbate your problem if it is indeed an overwatering issue. Please be patient.


Well-Known Member
need age, clone or seed, growing medium,pics would be nice, what type of nutes u have.
yes ph'ing very impt- and most use about half of what reccomended doses are and half that if never had nutes yet

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
the grow im on now started out burnt from over watering ,once i scaled down the foliage turned dark green and healthy ive only fed once at 1/4 strength going into flower .the soil has nutriants the plants use give it a chance to recover from stress of over watering or lack of oxygen to the roots....rob


Active Member
Thanks guys. I am going to let the plant recover from the overwatering and then i will add some nutrients. The clones are about 3 weeks old and they have maybe 3-4 leaves a piece. Should i wait til the soil is completely dry and add nutrients now or should i let the plant recover for a week or so and then do it?