nutrients: whats the best?


Well-Known Member
im about to start my first grow and need some input on which nutrients to use. ive heard some good things about fox farm and advanced nutrients and a few others. what do you guys recommend? any input/advice would be great! thanks. :joint:

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
I use ADVANCED NUTRIENTS... for the last 10 years or so i have tested 7or 8 differnt nutrients!!! And A.A. is by far the best nutes i have ever seen i use sensipro with some voodoo juice and a little finalfaze at the end when i start to flush... I did a test with genaral hydroponics vs sensipro the G.H was big but the A.A was huge..

da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
I personally love the GH nutes.

I do the 321/123 with some diamond nectar, floralicious plus, and a healthy dose of hydrogen peroxide


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter. You aren't going to get a real answer. Every major nute manufacturer has supporters and detractors here. Look at the websites and decide which has cooler bottles. Just as good a reason as any.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help guys. ill be purchasing some nutes shortly... dont know what im gonna get yet but ill decide soon. my babies are growing slowly but surely. i hope they all do well and they like the nutes i decide to give them!

ive heard a lot about hydro. peroxide, but dont really know how to do it/how much to give them/ what percent and stuff. where can i get some info on it or can you tell me how you guys do it? thanks!

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
I am not a supporters of advanced nutes!!! I use it caz it good.. hesi/canna/advancaed/supernataral/genaralhydroponics/ thar all very good it's all up to the person i use all of them some are good for some one and not for others.. so use what works and whats works on your pocket..

da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
i know i believe you, ive heard many great things about advanced nutes, but boy are the prices steep! what about fox farm? ive heard some good things about them and the prices ive seen are much more suitable for my pocket right now!

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
yes i used fox farm for two years.. it worked good for me but after i did a few test with fox farm i seen the chang in faster growth...i like fox farm they have a few good products...i compaired the price.. if you know what to use from advanced nutes you can do it at a good price it a little more but well well worth the results.. if you need help on picking the right products let me know

da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
yes i used fox farm for two years.. it worked good for me but after i did a few test with fox farm i seen the chang in faster growth...i like fox farm they have a few good products...i compaired the price.. if you know what to use from advanced nutes you can do it at a good price it a little more but well well worth the results.. if you need help on picking the right products let me know

da plantDOC
da plantDOC i would love some advice on what to get. i have 5 plants growin outdoors (you may have seen them in my journal). theyre doin alright, not wonderful, but this is my first grow, mainly for practice. if i get bud, wonderful, if not, thats okay, i will next time! i know the fox farm trio (grow big, big bloom and tiger bloom) but dont really understand the advanced nutes line... there are about a million products! haha so if you could help me pick a few, maybe some for veg and a few for flowering, that would be amazing!


Well-Known Member
yes i used fox farm for two years.. it worked good for me but after i did a few test with fox farm i seen the chang in faster growth...i like fox farm they have a few good products...i compaired the price.. if you know what to use from advanced nutes you can do it at a good price it a little more but well well worth the results.. if you need help on picking the right products let me know

da plantDOC
i dont used ff did tests with ff and got faster results with ff and you use advanced nutes?

also isnt advanced nutes strictly for hydro?

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
i think you misunderstand me i did test on 4 nutes fox farm/canna/advanced nutes/g.h./and thay all did very well... but i seen the differnts in the advaced nutes bigger/ fatter /and taller then the rest... so A.A came in 1 and 2 was canna then g.h.and fox farm was about the same!!!

da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
an nutes are the shit
i mean sure theres other stuff that will grow ur plants good but do u want good or great?

4 my money its go big or go home

also isnt advanced nutes strictly for hydro?

ya i think so but hydro nutes work good in soil
its the other way round that sometimes has trouble
soil nutes can clog hydro but hydro nutes dont mess up soil


Well-Known Member
an nutes are the shit
i mean sure theres other stuff that will grow ur plants good but do u want good or great?

4 my money its go big or go home

ya i think so but hydro nutes work good in soil
its the other way round that sometimes has trouble
soil nutes can clog hydro but hydro nutes dont mess up soil
thanks bro....that is really good to know


Well-Known Member
I use Fox Farm Planting Mix the red bag with the fox cover.. I add a little perlite and some sta-green potting mix with fertilizer... I hope this is enough nuts throughout the cycle...


Active Member
I use FF GrowBig for veg and AgeOld Bloom for flower by itself and its working great for me!