Nutrients + Res question

I have formula flora grow nutrients, and I have a 396 gallon water pump. I was wondering how big my res should be and how much water should I have in my res?!?


Active Member
space ? i have a 2x3x7 on a 25 gal rez with 15 gals in it because 15 gals is the minimum depth that keeps my pump submerged with the tray full


Active Member
cant answer your question without more info pot size plant size style you intend to grow you just need to read more on the subject
Ill be growing in two 4 foot pvc pipes, with 4 holes in each pipe. haven't started growing yet, trying to get everything figured out before hand. Going to feed a hose at one end and let it drip back in the res on the other end.


Active Member
well you can never have to big a rez its more a matter of what your system needs to fill or run and not let the pump run dry
As a general rule, I was taught a minimum of 7gal/plant is best. You'll have less ph drift & easier to manage. Much depends on size of pots, but you'll be safe with that #.