nutrients question...

lvl i k e y

Active Member
I recently purchased the humboldt nutrients oneness and ginormous from the local grow shop the guy at the counter said it was "good shit". Right now I have two BB seedlings going in root organic soil which was also referred to me by the guy behind the counter. How long should i wait before adding the nutes? the oneness says I can use throughout veg and flower and the ginormous says only use during flower. Do i add them both at the same time during flower? Anybody with experience have any advice or anything to say about the humboldt nutes and how to use them

lvl i k e y

Active Member
Why does it fucking matter why or how I bought it? I'm seeking useful information about the product. If I didn't want it I wouldn't have bought it. I'm looking for results of other people who have used it.. thanks


Rebel From The North
Ok look all nutes should be added in light amounts. But first root organics being that its organic I wouldnt add any nutes
For 3 to 4 weeks. Im guessing the oneness is your grow and ginormous is bloom so to answer your Q the best i can
Use grow with bloom. At about half to 3/4 of what it says and when in bloom just use the ginormous. Use it at 3/4
Strength to just to be safe to not burn after all its new to you! Im not baging your choice of nutes just didnt want to
Give a opoin based answer but sinse nobodys helping i guess il try. As for the outbreak theres no need for thats.

lvl i k e y

Active Member
Thanks I do appreciate your help. My main concern was miladiesxing the 2 together. I can't find any good info on how to actually use the stuff. Ill be sure to start out light to try my best not to burn my ladies....sorry for the outbreak

lvl i k e y

Active Member
Thats what I needed!! I'm going to start out using half of what it says even though 1ml per gal seems very very small. If they seem like they show signs of problems i'll up the dose.


Active Member
hey ikey you could have just looked on Humboldt's website!! I've been using their line of stuff for a while and love it.