Nutrients in flowering stage?


Well-Known Member
I don't know what nutrients you're using, I usually use 1 part nutes, but you want to lower your nitrogen and bump up your phosphorous and potassium.
Dropping the micros sounds like a bad idea too, sulfur and mag are pretty important for terp production iirc.


Well-Known Member
Start feeding bloom nutes a week before the flip. Trust me on that. Keep up the veg stuff too as the plant will feed like crazy thru the stretch and needs it all.


Mak'er Grow

Well-Known Member
Maybe OP is asking about the Lucas Formula?
If your using GH Flora nutrients. Dont use the "Gro" and use just the "Micro" and "Bloom" nutrients only...there more to it, but thats the basics if memory serves me right.
Go to the nutrient makers web site.
Look up your nutrient line.
There will be a link to a feeding chart. READ that chart.

Now, feed the veg for 2 weeks after you flipped the light to bloom times and then start the bloom feeding..

Trust me on this one...
Thank you!! I will do that.