Nutrients: How much is enough?


Active Member
Okay. So I -just- today started a crop of 10 plants. And Ive got some good soil that already have nutrients, and in my studies... I've found that I wont need to use Nutrients until the Vegetative phase. Now... I've got the "Advanced Nutrients" products... Grow, Bloom, and Micro. I also have, Pirhana which is another additive they sent to me for purchasing the three in a bundle. Thing is, I am not growing Hydroponics.
So... I was wondering if anyone had any information or tables of how much I should use per pot ( 1 plant ). Should I just break down the calculations like this?
Put in how much a Gallon calls for. Make that the so-called "Resevoir." Then just use that Nutrient-filled water to water the plants with perhaps... Once a week? Any help would be awesome... This is my first grow ever. Im in some servere money trouble, and I could use for this to work. Please... Any professional help would be amazing. A nutrient table would absolutely be amazing but Im not trying to expect everything to be thrown at me. Hehe. Thanks for any of the help that I am given. And I will keep you all updated.


Active Member
Oh. And these are normal bagseeds. I bought some seeds off of a website and got absolutely screwed... I will be posting the website as well so no one goes there.


Well-Known Member
Let the plants tell you how often to water them. I don't use hydro nutrients, but I CAN tell you how not to do some things, and that is that it's far better to give more frequent, smaller feedings with a reduced nutrient level. Foliar feedings may be the ticket for you with these nutrients, for that 'in between waterings' time. Also, if you're growing in soil, look into products with mycorrhizal fungi.


Active Member
Im not trying to sound dumb... But, what exactly is a foliar feeding? Is that using a spray bottle and just dousing the foliage with it? And... That does sound like a good idea. Thats a for-sure way not to get any root-burn right?


Active Member
Awesome, and for this Fungi? I read that it pretty much makes the root growth of your plants better. How worth it, is it exactly? And I assume its not too expensive, right?


Well-Known Member
Not too expensive. I haven't tried it yet, but Ohsogreen and others swear by it. Also, in doing my research I've found it is very well documented in terms of efficacy. Lots of places to find it, and lots of organic ferts and soils already have the microbes. If they don't say they do, then they don't, if they do then they'll be sure to say so. Dr. Earth is one that's made relatively locally that I'm going to try, and I ordered Super Plant Tonic from eBay, it's a live culture I believe. $7 for the bottle + s&h, not too terribly bad. The Dr. Earth Organic 5 fert I've got is a 4lb. box, paid $8 for it at the local garden center.


Active Member
I will consider that for my next grow. But Im trying to make this crop as profitable as I can. If this is something I would pay 10-15$ and I would make 20-30$ off the crop. That would be excellent. But for now... Im low on funds. To the absolute low. Im trying to make it happen with what I have pretty much. So seeing how you've got a bit of info. Im gonna explain my set-up. See if you can give me a few tips. Right now. I have a Ballast light Sitting about a foot off the floor. And throughout that underneath. Are the ten plants in two rows. I have this all covered with a brown-earthy colored cloth sheet ( Mainly for security, good idea or not for growth? ). And in front of it all, I have a normal box-fan that is exhausting the air out of this "Tent." Think of the sheet as more of a seal almost. If you will. Sound like an alright "newb" set-up for now?


Active Member
Also, for pH... Ive read numerous numbers that people throw out. I have been keeping it religiously at 6.3-6.4. Any more knowledge would rock.


Active Member
Yeah. Two Fluro tubes in a ballast. I should prolly get another, right? Considering that if your looking in an aerial view. The pots arent directly under the light. Considering its not wide enough.


Active Member
Bump. Im gonna get some pictures soon but picture it this way. Ive got the ballast litterally sitting on two paint cans. I couldnt find anything with a lower elevation really so its kinda cob-jobbed in that perspective. Its in my room. And under that. I have the two rows of 5. I definately think its not gonna be enough for when they get bigger. Ill definately need another ballast. But anyways thats all sitting in the corner of my room. And I have a night stand that sits over half the "project." Right next to the Night-stand is a normal box fan... Pretty much acting as the intake. And Ive got a little spot that actually opens up in the blanket, and the air from the intake is forced out this hole, kind-of acting like the exhaust. The blanket is more or less a... Seal almost. Making it like a grow box. I didnt know if that was a good idea or not really. Figured it would help humidity, air circulation...


Active Member
Yep. I just got my camera back from a friend. Getting a memory stick and some batteries and Ill have some pictures of my set-up. Ill also show you all the little guys that I got after about a week and a half since planted. ( Didnt do any Germination method, just threw them in the soil. ) :joint: