Nutrients Help


Well-Known Member
i used miracle grow for quite awhile and did very well. i just switched to dutch masters for veg and flower and can see a major difference :eyesmoke:
flower a and b.jpgveg part a.jpgveg part a.jpg


Well-Known Member
I use MG all purpose ferts and some Burpee 0-15-11 veg food for vegging, and the Burpee, amd unsulphured molasses in flower, throwing in some MG occasionally when I see a need for N.


Well-Known Member
chucky i hear you, i sure was a strong supporter of mg, still am i guess. my nephew brought some of this over and i saw a dramatic difference after 2 feedings. the dif is unbelievable, my girls are finally growing like weeds :eyesmoke:


Sounds like Chukys method works so I will give it a go. TY bolth for the info. If you guys have more info or tips feel free to post.
growbig, shultz 10-15-10 originally for tomatoes but the shultz will give you really thick stalks and strong roots through veg.humboldt nutrience master A and B, and opensesame from flower to harvest.and boom goes dem babylon helicopter!