Nutrients (help, please!)

Okay, second's doing good, thus far...however, i am not very successful with understanding the whole concept. are know there are bundles with charts and all the fancy stuff...but all i know is that nutrients high in P is good for flowering. so i water my girls every other day, and use some bcuzz phosphorus nute every other watering and then once in a while i throw in some this adequate for soil growing?
Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member

You really need to spend a bit more time reading up on what makes your plants happy, otherwise your going to be dissappointed with your results. P is important during flowering because it's the primary nutes used in bud production, but N, K and all the micronutrients are equally as important and skipping any of them will cause your plant to have problem and possibly die. The good news is that you can get a complete set of nutrients that will do everything you need for about $20. You don't need all those multi part formulas or super bud producers that cost a fortune, just a bottle of Dyna Grows general purpose plant food (6-9-5 NPK ratio) which runs about $12, and a tub of jacks classic bloom booster (10-30-20) which runs about $5.

Start off using just the dyna grow during week 3-4 of vegging at 1/4 strength and slowly increase the dosage until the first times your plants show any sign of nute burn. When that happens go back to whatever the last dosage you used without buring was, and plan to use that for the rest of the grow. About week 2 of flowering start mixing in the jacks classic in with the dyna grow at 1/8 strength and slowly build up like before until you've discovered the exact mix your plants can handle without burning, and your set from there. Note- you should not need to give young plants any nutes at all during the first three weeks of vegging if you are starting with good quality soil-it already has all the nutes they need for that short of a period.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
Okay, second's doing good, thus far...however, i am not very successful with understanding the whole concept. are know there are bundles with charts and all the fancy stuff...but all i know is that nutrients high in P is good for flowering. so i water my girls every other day, and use some bcuzz phosphorus nute every other watering and then once in a while i throw in some this adequate for soil growing?
Thanks in advance!
dude, you're in soil, not hydro! you can't feed/water every other day, period! you're lucky you haven't burned them to a crisp, or encountered root rot. in soil, you need to let them dry up between watering/feeding. if you don't, your roots won't get the air that they need. in soil, feed once a week. if they dry up between feeding, water them with properly ph'd water.