nutrients for flowering

I am working on my first grow and don't really know what nutrients to use for flowering. i have been told that the most common ration is a 10-30-10 mix. schultz has a blooming fertilizer of 5-30-5 that i had laying around and i was wondering if this would be a good fertilizer. i am on a very tight budget and even though i know that the better product i put into the plants the better outcome i will have, i was wondering if this mix would be acceptable. if not what kind of fertilizer can i get for a good price and where would i be able to find it? i dont have a credit card or anything where i could order online and i live in the lower mainland in bc canada. thx


Active Member
either of those would be acceptable. I know how working on a tight budget works :)

Anything with a high middle reading is what you're looking for... I'm using the MG Bloom Booster and am having decent results...

Good luck...

I am working on my first grow and don't really know what nutrients to use for flowering. i have been told that the most common ration is a 10-30-10 mix. schultz has a blooming fertilizer of 5-30-5 that i had laying around and i was wondering if this would be a good fertilizer. i am on a very tight budget and even though i know that the better product i put into the plants the better outcome i will have, i was wondering if this mix would be acceptable. if not what kind of fertilizer can i get for a good price and where would i be able to find it? i dont have a credit card or anything where i could order online and i live in the lower mainland in bc canada. thx
i just finished reading about how if you were to use a 20-10-10 mix in veg than it would be best to use a 10-20-20 mix for flowering. if that is true that why is the most common to use a low high low mix. and also i did not use any fertilizer this whole time and now my plants are ready for flowering. i am worried that if i use a flowering fertilizer that it will shock the plants. what is a good mix to use that is cheap and easily accessible that will not shock them too much. thx


Active Member
Give them a quarter dose to start with and increase dosage each time you water till you get full dosage(1/4,1/2,3/4,4/4) and you'll be right there. Keep in mind that although MJ likes loads of N during vegging, you need to cut back dramaticly on it while flowering. Flowering plants need alot more P and K. Thing is, if you haven't fertilized them at all during vegg then you probably have used up all of the N in the soil. If so, I would give them a good dose of complete fertz(including N) at this point. Then switch to a bloom booster fert the next watering.

I stop using nutes 2-3 weeks before harvest and what i'm seeing is my plants have formed a PK deficiency....(they are doing exactly what the illistrations show in the Growers bible by Cervantes)....I need to find some 0-30-30 I think, and give them one more good dose.....then continue with the molasses....
I have a miracle grow mix of 20-20-20 laying around my house. should i use that for getting some nitrogen into the soil than go to a bloom fertilizer. I used it when they were really young and it started to burn the tips. they are strong and healthy right now and in the proper environment so i am not sure what to do.
sorry, just found the bottle and it turns out that it is a ratio of 12-4-8. is this safe to give the plants before inducing flowering due to the fact that i have not given them any fertilizer since i started them. the soil i am currently using is scotts premium potting mix with a ratio of 0.07-0.01-0.03.


Active Member
sorry, just found the bottle and it turns out that it is a ratio of 12-4-8. is this safe to give the plants before inducing flowering due to the fact that i have not given them any fertilizer since i started them. the soil i am currently using is scotts premium potting mix with a ratio of 0.07-0.01-0.03.
Sorry bout not getting back sooner.
Yea, what you have there is safe....use it once before you put to flower(go full dose, they should handle it fine),water with plain water once after that when it needs watering, then get some bloom booster fertz(i'm using MG 15-30-15,you'll get different opinions on this product,I feel stop using it 2-3 weeks before harvest and leech, you'll be fine). But as I said, i'm seeing some PK def, and need to address it....
I can add just some K by makeing a wood ash tea, but I need hardwood ashes(I currently have Pine and Spruce ashes, way to acidy) and the recipe to it.....


Active Member
high nitrogen will delay flowering from what i read. so if your getting ready to flower soon stop using the high nit fert and switch to the 10-30-10 after you see buds start. like the others said just start out with like a 1/4 dose to be safe and up it each feeding to till you get tot he normal dosage or figure out whats to much


hey im new and dont know how to start a thread and i need to ph up read BKsoda is ok but when i mixed a 1/2t into 500ml it was neutral to slightly acidic wtf i X2 then X3 and it wasnt anything alkaline, is it that old?? reminds me of homer having an antacid trip off old bksoda LOL anyone want to watch it, i am

smokin away

Well-Known Member
My experience with those high number fertilizers sold in gardening stores is that they just don't digest well. True enough they make it grow but making it grow what you want to is another can of worms. Try lower number liquid fertilizers. Dry fertilizer during veg can really improve growth as well. My two current choices I've had luck with are Alaska Fish Fertilizer at 3-1-1. It may have been reformulated to 5-1-1 as I didn't get any more this year because it really lasts. The second is Organic Miracle Grow Bone Meal. Wait until they are at least four or five inches for that. I wanted to give a special plant a boost this year so I'm going with Fox Farm Tiger Bloom for flowering. Got it on EBay for $21 and came with free shipping.