Nutrients for dummies (or a first time grower)


Hi there,
I new here because I have decided to do my first grow ever and I could really use some advice from a veteran hydroponic grower. I've done a lot of research about nutrients and I'm still confused. Is there a link for a post that will explain what all of these different nutrients do? If not, could someone please give me a brief explaination? I just don't know if it would be worth it to go out a buy 8 bottles of different nutrients if I really only need a few things to get me started. Could someone please give me a very basic recipe that will produce good results for a first-timer? And maybe give a brief run down of what all those fancy additives do and why I might want to use them later? Thanks!:leaf:

this chart was passed to me yesterday.

I would suggest with your line of questions to do some more research besides here. Here all you will get is personal opinion.

I use general Hydroponic Nutrients and some use Advanced Nutrients.

Mota Vated

I just harvested my first crop using advanced nutrients Connoisseur A and B, Bud Factor X and Bud Candy. I have used General for 10years with great results I guess I tried the Advanced nutes to see what all the hype is about plus if you never try something new you will never really know if there is something better out there.

Well growing t he same NL strain Ive always had I did notice a difference early on. Better and more. Denser bud sites and alot more crystals. It is still curing now but at day 4 is really nice and Im a little picky on flavor and burn... I like Advanced so far...


Thanks for the chart. I did tons of research and at this point its really a sensory overload. I tend to go overboard with any kind of research and now its just making my head spin. However, the chart is great because in all that reserach I never came across anything like that. I suppose of I just look on the back of the bottles I can get the right levels. Thanks!
I'm using the Advanced line of Sensi A and B and Connoisseur A and B and have excellent results with them. The feeding levels on the Connoisseur is right on for vegged plants but with the Sensi, start out at quarter strength. And try to keep you pH right on at 5.6. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
If you are starting out check out General Hydroponics line of Flora Grow, FLora Micro, and Flora Bloom its pretty simple and they have online nutrient calculators that will help you out with dosages ..