Nutrients every watering or alternate with ph water ?


Active Member
Hey Folks, finishing my third grow attempt with a nute burned plant.
I’m still trying to learn to do this correctly.
my question is:
if the feeding chart shows the dosage for week 6, is that what you give the plant Every watering during week 6, or do you give it that dosage just once during that week and then just ph water until the week 7 dosage, and then repeat?

I only ask because I burnt the plant again.


Well-Known Member
Hey Folks, finishing my third grow attempt with a nute burned plant.
I’m still trying to learn to do this correctly.
my question is:
if the feeding chart shows the dosage for week 6, is that what you give the plant Every watering during week 6, or do you give it that dosage just once during that week and then just ph water until the week 7 dosage, and then repeat?

I only ask because I burnt the plant again.
The chart only shows the proportuons to mix... you'll need to water it down to achieve the right ec... roughly... ec 1 increasing to 1.8 by week 5


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Hey Folks, finishing my third grow attempt with a nute burned plant.
I’m still trying to learn to do this correctly.
my question is:
if the feeding chart shows the dosage for week 6, is that what you give the plant Every watering during week 6, or do you give it that dosage just once during that week and then just ph water until the week 7 dosage, and then repeat?

I only ask because I burnt the plant again.
If you're in coco you feed every watering if you're in soil you don't. You never follow the feed charts because they are in it to sell nutrient you start lower and work up if needed.


Active Member
You can't go by feeding charts, they are made to sell nutes not grow healthy plants..
Use half of recommended dose and feed every two times you water.. Feed, water, water, feed..
I feed it half the dosage of nurse but I gave it mutes Every watering for 10 weeks. I’m probably lucky it didn’t die, but I think I even burned the buds if that’s possible.
Is it possible to burn the buds?
If so is it safe to smoke?


Active Member
You haven't stated your growing medium.

If you've already burnt the plant, that tells you that you should be feeding less than what you're currently doing,

Less is more
Is it possible to nute burn the buds, all the sugar leaves are gone and some of the tops like crispy?