Nutrients do they work or not!!


hello all I've got my first set of babies ever in a cabinent under a CFL and they've been growing great except recently the first set of true leaves (with the razor edges) started to yellow out on two of my seedlings I thought it might be too early to feed them nutes but it seems like they needed the boost. so i gave them a tiny shot of nitrogen from a powder mix that was 15-4-2 and i feed them at just 10% what was recommended cause I would hate to burn them and there really small plants. two of them now have brown burnt edges but the yellowing stopped.... the third plant is still yellowing.
should i feed them more? how do i know if the nutes are working
btw I have 2 afghani#1's and one Chronic Ryder are these generally high feeding plants help would be awesome!


Active Member
Your only using one cfl? What kind of soil? If the edges are burnt its most likely a nute burn so I wouldn't feed them more.. be more specific about your grow and im sure people would help you out. Temps, humidity, ph, soil, lights for examples. All that kind of stuff. It must be a lack of something, and now most likely nute burn
I generally don't use any nutes on the seedlings other than a 1/2 strength solution of bio bizz root juice for a week after they've sprouted and either gone into the soil or rockwool plugs. You have to be very careful with small plants definitely sounds like burn from the nutes. Unless you're growing in rockwool/coco, etc you shouldn't need to add too much initially.


the temperture is consistantly 78 degrees F I don't have a humidty reader yet but I think its about 30%-40%
I'm gonna add more light but the plants are only seedlings I didn't think it was nessacary yet.
They are in 7 parts Spargum Moss and 3 parts Perlite mix right now.

I think they might be burned a little too but what should i do about the yellowing at the base then? Should I just let it be? also one of the afghani's showed burned leaf tips but also started growing much faster at the top! am I using the right amount or not...


Active Member
the temperture is consistantly 78 degrees F I don't have a humidty reader yet but I think its about 30%-40%
I'm gonna add more light but the plants are only seedlings I didn't think it was nessacary yet.
They are in 7 parts Spargum Moss and 3 parts Perlite mix right now.

I think they might be burned a little too but what should i do about the yellowing at the base then? Should I just let it be? also one of the afghani's showed burned leaf tips but also started growing much faster at the top! am I using the right amount or not...
Good temp.. if that's the true humidity that's way low for veg. For seedlings you should be good on light for now, what is the color temp on the light and how many watts? Can't say about your soil, never used it but sounds like enough perlite. The leaves that are burnt or yellow now won't heal, watch it for new growth.. if it continues that's bad. How is new growth looking? Do you have pics?


Active Member
If they were yellowing BEFORE the nutes then I think it's from lack of light and you need to get some more cfls in there. If they yellowed AFTER the nutes then you burnt them. I'm currently voting mix of both. However, I grow hydro in rock wool and I start 1/4 strength nutes after the sprout is a few days old and haven't had issues with nute burn. What are the soil readings? What's your pH?


havent gotten a Ph meter yet see the plants are in a cabinent at the moment moving them to my closet soon where I'll have all the stuff they need. They started yellowing BEFORE i added the nutes which is why I thought I might need to add some nutes. I can understand them needing more light I guess but the cfl is like 5 mm from the plants its so close I thought it'd be sufficent it puts out 2000 lumens though I don't know the color rating I'll check and post along with some pics soon! I wasnt sure if I burned them because I fed them at 1/10th strength. barely anything... I guess the plants really are that sensitive. new growth is bushy and green and looking good. lighter in colour than the older leaves but not yellowy like the bottom.


i guess its possible the moss really holds on to moisture. There in 18 fl oz cups and I water them with 1 fl oz every three or four days. is yellowing a sign of overwatering?? are there any other ways to tell if I'm watering them too much?


Active Member
i guess its possible the moss really holds on to moisture. There in 18 fl oz cups and I water them with 1 fl oz every three or four days. is yellowing a sign of overwatering?? are there any other ways to tell if I'm watering them too much?
Drooping/wilting leaves is are signs of overwatering also


Active Member
i guess its possible the moss really holds on to moisture. There in 18 fl oz cups and I water them with 1 fl oz every three or four days. is yellowing a sign of overwatering?? are there any other ways to tell if I'm watering them too much?
With moss you need to be really careful because it can mold. Over watered plants look very sad and sickly, droopy, Ect.


if thats how overwatered plants look then how can you tell whether they have too much or not enough water?
the leaves felt kind of dry on one of my plants that is kinda droopy does that mean its under watered?
the leaves dont get wilted quite like "wilted" usually looks on other plants they just point down y'know? they look very healthy other wise just pointing downward....
also I got a second CFL and I'm keeping them both on 24/7


Active Member
Leaves that feel dry is a sign of under watering. Leaves that are healthy color and aren't wilting or dry are fine, some leaves point down, but you could also be overwatering the tiniest bit.


New Member
All nutrient companies are frauds.. all of em snake oil. I run DWC buckets with RO water and feed em ground up Big Macs, and super size it when I want to fatten the buds up.