Nutrient questions.

Hey i'm 3 weeks 6days into flower & wanting some input on my Nutrient levels.

I'm currently running a 400w HPS. First grow.
Nutrients are:
Flora Nova Bloom. Currently feeding 1tsp & ahalf.
Liquid KoolBoom. 5mL.
CAL-MAX. 8mL. Per Gallon.

My question is am i feeding it enough??
Here's afew pics. Thanks!



78 degrees would be perfect even 80 82 is ok but 88 is too high. Get a ppm meter if possible. When i get a new strain and not sure how much it likes to eat i just increase the ppms by 100 each week until i see a little burn on the tips of the leaves then i know thats its max. I like Flora Nova got some tasty dank buds off it with soil. Your plant looks healthy if it still aint dank enuf try another strain next time. Not sure how you came up with your plants, seed or clone, be picky with your choice since your gonna put all that time and effort into it.


It looks like you need to just keep doing what your doing. Your plants have great color and look thick and lush. Props
Quick question, I was talking with a Local caregiver & he was sayin that Nutrients don't really do much when your growing with soil. is this true or false?? he said all you need is Ocean farm & All organic soil


Active Member
Quick question, I was talking with a Local caregiver & he was sayin that Nutrients don't really do much when your growing with soil. is this true or false?? he said all you need is Ocean farm & All organic soil
Wrong. I started with FFOF alone and worked up to all their nutes. It does make a difference. I alternate feedings and waterings.
here is the end results.

I'm gonna try this new soil i got from a friend, it's Michigan made mix wanting some advice on it any body have some good grows with it??
trying to not to feed my plants every 5 days whats another good soil base??? upgrading my light to a 1000w in a 6x6 area

Here is what is mixed in with the soil

Composted sphagnum, canadian peat vermiculite, fossilized seabird guanos, bone meal, rock phosphate, green sand, perlite, blood meal, and lime

