Nutrient question


Active Member
So I've just built a rather decent grow room....good ventilation good lighting. good comes the fun part......growing the plants. I have all of my seeds germinated and they are starting to sprout up yay!. I am using 1/3 perlite 1/3 vermiculite and 1/3 peat moss for a grow medium.

My question is i have read a whole lot about nutrients and what to use and still am a little lost......what amounts of nutrients should i be using during the growth stage of the plants? how do i know how much fertilizer to give and when to give it? also can anyone recommend good nutrients and where to buy them? sorry for being such a pest this is my first go round and id rather not mess it up!! thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
get some earth juice nutes. get earth juice grow, bloom and meta-k. they are great nutes that make it really hard to burn the plant. you can get them at most hydroponics stores or online.

n-p-k = nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium

you should be using a higher nitrogen fert during veg stage. a higher phosphorus fert during flower. i usually like to put my plants on both high n and high p about 2 weeks before i put them into flower so that the plant has the available p when it starts producing buds. you can use meta-k (potassium) throughout the whole grow.

i would recommend not starting nutes until about 3 - 4 weeks into veg. if you are able, you should let your plant veg for 6 - 8 weeks to get it really strong and ready for flowering. under ferting is much better than over ferting... aka nute burn. start with 1/4 strength nutes every other water and work your way up. even on my largest plants i rarely give them more than 1 tbsp/gallon of grow during veg. i hope that makes sense. :peace:


Active Member
get some earth juice nutes. get earth juice grow, bloom and meta-k. they are great nutes that make it really hard to burn the plant. you can get them at most hydroponics stores or online.

n-p-k = nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium

you should be using a higher nitrogen fert during veg stage. a higher phosphorus fert during flower. i usually like to put my plants on both high n and high p about 2 weeks before i put them into flower so that the plant has the available p when it starts producing buds. you can use meta-k (potassium) throughout the whole grow.

i would recommend not starting nutes until about 3 - 4 weeks into veg. if you are able, you should let your plant veg for 6 - 8 weeks to get it really strong and ready for flowering. under ferting is much better than over ferting... aka nute burn. start with 1/4 strength nutes every other water and work your way up. even on my largest plants i rarely give them more than 1 tbsp/gallon of grow during veg. i hope that makes sense. :peace:

Ok this helps a bit.....however i was under the impression i was supposed to be using way more nutes than the 2-1-1 of the earth juice grow? oh boy.....this is gonna get interesting lol....


Well-Known Member
nah, you don't need more than that. they are concentrated and get the job done right. i never have needed anything else. maybe some bat guano once in veg and once in flower, but that's it. been growing for a while now and they have always served me well.

all those fancy "tech" ferts just burn your plants. earth juice is organic, so you know you aren't putting chemical shit into your bud... that's just my opinion though.


Active Member
Ok i will give it a shot using those this point what do i have to lose? Im hoping to have a a good crop.....only doing 10 plants to see how to do this.....then im going to hopefully do about 30-40 and try to figure out how to keep them on a rotating grow schedule......any suggestions on growing a good crop....particularly around what time to switch from veg to flower? btw thanks for the help!!


Well-Known Member
give your plants at least 6 weeks in veg to assure mature healthy plants. make sure you check your pH often. use molasses during flower. there's tons more, but ask specific questions and i can give more specific answers. :peace: