Nutrient problems. N, P or both?


First grow. So far it's been smooth sailing but as of a few days ago odd symptoms have appeared.

Aerogarden w/ airstones
24th day of flowering
CNS17 2-2-5 nutes
Ph is 5.9-6.0 (was 6.1, i'm slowly lowering it)
Lights - aerogarden lights & quite a few cfl's... I've got a 400w hps on the way
temps are 78-79 day/ 73-74 night
No bugs or mold

My first thought was I have a nitrogen deficiency. 4 of the lower fan leaves uniformly turned pale green, yellow and eventually fell off. A few smaller fan leaves have also turned color and dropped. And many of the fan leaves, especially on the top of the plant have developed purple stems. Am i lacking N, P or is this just normal for the stage in flowering? Or do i have a different problem?

*The picture makes the top of the plant look yellow... its not.*

Thanks for helping my plant!!


Well-Known Member
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but..... Na JK. This is normal. As the plant enters its flowering stage and through the whole flowering life of the plant energy is taken from the bottom of the plant. I.E. The big fan leaves. Or the light can not penetrate to the bottom side.


Haha, well I'm always in need of good pokers lol. But unfortunately I think she may actually be in trouble. Her water consumption has nearly completely stopped over the past 36 hours, necrosis of the lower fan leaves has accelerated, and numerous healthy fan leaves have developed brown edges (the bottom and middle of plant). As soon as she wakes up I'll post more pictures.


Active Member
Haha, well I'm always in need of good pokers lol. But unfortunately I think she may actually be in trouble. Her water consumption has nearly completely stopped over the past 36 hours, necrosis of the lower fan leaves has accelerated, and numerous healthy fan leaves have developed brown edges (the bottom and middle of plant). As soon as she wakes up I'll post more pictures.
well the purple stems are usually normal but purple can be a sign of it being too cold and not allowing for proper nutrient uptake but its usually just the genetics. but with the leaves it sounds ALOT like magnesium defficiency. try hittin it with some epsom salts. for a fast test foilar feed it with a 2% Eps salt solution. although it might not help your problem a pH of around 6.5 is better for flowering. good luck