Nutrient or fertilizer to enable crystallization

seaweed solution hands down, works on so many levels from root structure and growth to flower formation and thickness (filling out) pointless spending a smnall fortune on these PK bloom boosters when seaweed does the same thing and better for a fraction of the price
seaweed solution hands down, works on so many levels from root structure and growth to flower formation and thickness (filling out) pointless spending a smnall fortune on these PK bloom boosters when seaweed does the same thing and better for a fraction of the price

Don’t forget sulphur to!
never tried that, only relied on the sulpher in seaweed if any, how much would you use for a single dose? i have flowers of sulpher for gardening but never used it

I use Epsom salts once a week sprinkled on top of my coco and just water it in for the additional al sulphur.

Literally a small pinch Once a week. Magnesium sulphate.
i like the sound of fluvic, humic too. wow thanx
I grow in coco, so humic is of no use to me, but in soil would be a different story. Kelp and fulvic work real nice together in hydro grows. The end result has that organic taste. This is what I use for kelp/fulvic:

Sprinkle some crushed sugar on them.

Seriously though, grow the right strain and keep the plants healthy from start to finish under plenty of light. That's all you need to do. This "What bottle of crap can I dump on my plants?" is ridiculous.

Learn how to grow and you'll have all the crystals you need.

This fucking Magic Bottle shit is ridiculous. The term "Grower" should not be used to describe a good portion of people with cannabis plants. Too many don't know shit about the plant and think they can find everything they need in some bottle of overpriced, watered down, additive in a bottle with a cartoon label and cool sounding name.

Flush for a week and add some damn Calmag. It's a wonder drug for plants. Double the dose and you'll have so many crystals and they will be so big that it will look like a cluster of mushrooms growing on your buds. Don't forget to give your plants 72 hours of darkness before you chop and do a crystal dance to send all your energy into trichome production. Pour straight molasses onto your plants. The sugars will go straight to the buds and all that sugary resin will crystalize into a beautiful crystal world just like the Fortress of Solitude.

I'm not pouring molasses straight on to my buds...put it the water during the 72chrs dark period more like it. You have to say NPK has a fancy name & in the blended dose can be quite beneficial for cannabis growth & accelerated cannabis growth. All three products are available in bulk for pennies.
I'm not pouring molasses straight on to my buds...put it the water during the 72chrs dark period more like it. You have to say NPK has a fancy name & in the blended dose can be quite beneficial for cannabis growth & accelerated cannabis growth. All three products are available in bulk for pennies.
Molasses feeds your soil microbes, not your plants.