Nutrient Mixing Question


I'm about 2.5 weeks into a Blue Ryder grow and most of my plants have started to flower. I'm growing in Roots Organics soil and haven't used any nutrients so far. Normally now I would hit them with some bloom nutrients but some of the plants are showing a definite N deficiency. Its not serious right now but the early signs are there.

So I picked up some bloom nutes (Botanicare Pure Blend 1-4-5) and some Mexican Bat Guano (10-2-1).

Should I apply both of these to correct the N deficiency and supply my plants with high P-K for bloom or would the bloom nutes be enough?

If I should do both can I mix them together in the same batch?

Thanks for your help Earth peoples!


Well-Known Member
you can mix the nutes in the water
start at 25% strength for the first couple feeding, then go 50% for a couple
you can eventually get up to 100% with organic nutes
so if the instructions say 1 capfull of nutes per gallon the 1 teaspon of guano per gallon, then that means to use these in TWO gallons which would give you 100% feeding

so start with 1/4 capfull and 1/4 teaspoon per 2 gallons, as an example

don't feed every time you water, maybe every second or third


Thanks for your input jeffchr. I had to feed earlier this morning since the plants had shown a couple of days ago. I went ahead and did 1/4 strength of my bloom nutes anyways so we're on the same page there. I decided to skip the guano since there is a bit of N in the bloom nutes and I'll see if that corrects the deficiency. If not, I'll feed with the guano. Thanks again and +rep.