nutrient mix feedback requested


New Member
I'm starting my next run. same small cabinet, same 3.5gal bucket, new air stones and 6"net lid though. I'm doing a single site DWC run. I have obtained a wonder woman clone and planted it in hydroton. I would have liked to use growstones again but i had hydroton on hand, why throw money at something when i have a perfectly fine substitute on hand still. I had a bit of a problem getting roots to pop the basket but they finally have, the fun begins! i'm stoked!

I would like feedback about my soup mix (my nutes) anything I should cut out, different brand (please give me a detailed why), anything i should add...just feedback (advice, criticism, and your personal opinions)

The base I'm going to be using (veg and bloom) is Advanced Nutrients 2-part Jungle juice

Veg supplement's and additives
super thrive- for a vitamin supplement
Bio Ag's ful power- for a humic/fulvic acid supplement
dutch master's gold range silica- for a silica supplement
GH's rapid start- For increased root growth
Plant Success's Orca- for mycorrhizae

Flower supplements and additives
Bushmaster- to kill stretch in flower since my space is so limited (i know the health concerns)
super thrive
Bio Ag's ful power
DM GR silica
Plant Success's orca
Advanced Nutrients Super Nutrients super bud blaster- for a very high PK flower booster (0-52-31)
Botanicare's Hydroplex- another flower booster
GH's Floralicious Plus- an "enhancer" for increased terpine production (smell and taste)
Green Magic's Density- a flower hardener

I received a few samples of NPK's multiply, stack & sparkle that i am considering using as well. any feedback from people who have used it? I think i should also throw a cal-Mag supplement in Veg and Bloom, any recommendations? I was thinking about GH's Cali Magic.

I do have a few other silica supplements on hand Pro-Tekt and Rhino Skin, any opinions?

I knew that I threw a lot at my plant but after typing it all out it sure feels like a lot more lol.

I have used a similar nute mix and did pretty good (5oz off of a 24" finished plant under a 250watt light) but good can always be improved upon correct?

Please guys and gals i would really appreciate any and all feedback no matter how small or insignificant you may think it is. I want this to be a nice in depth conversation about nute mixes in general and what everyone is using, what works for the best growers out there. thank you in advance for your feedback. I do work in a Hydro supply store and am going to be using this as a learning tool to give better advice to customers as well as myself.


Well-Known Member
You don't need all the additives. Use if you wish but base nutes, calmag if using ro, sweets if feeding bennies. I don't see the need for floralicious, used it before just makes a mess, no difference in growth.


New Member
i only use floralicious plus in flowering. Ive done runs with and without it and i definitely notice a difference in taste as well as aroma. the 2 things i was really considering cutting out is superthrive and hydroplex. Ive done a run with and one without a humic/fulvic supplement and the run with the plant certainly seemed to drink a lot more than the one without. Silica is something i learned early on makes a huge difference, much stronger plant the stalk and branches are much sturdier.