Nutrient measure help

hi everyone i have a question, I'm running foxfarm nutes and i have a hanna combo meter and just started a batch of white widow, now does anyone know if on the foxfarm schedules do they have EC in millisiemens cause my meter runs in microsiemens and know 1,000 millis equal a micro and i went and checked EC and it says 1764 and i thinking that it means 1.7 but my PH is through the roof and i know if PH goes up and EC down your plants are hungry and PH is down and EC is up the plants are full but my EC hasen't moved but my PH keeps going up and the last grow i didn't was my first grow and i didn't know what i was doing and only had a PH kit and it was up and i kept putting PH down in and the plants got sicker but i got fed up with it and put twice the amount of nutes in to see what would happen and the next day they looked healthy as can be and i dont want that to happen this time so can any please help me out with the PH and EC issue
COME ON, 30 views and no one i need some help here, my PH is going through the roof and my ppm and ec stay the same which is ppm-1160 and ec-2.2 which is probably too high. on my chart it says ppm-1120-1260 an ec-1.6-1.8 but they don't move but my PH keeps going up, im running a nutramist fogger and RO water. And which is more important, EC or PPM?