Nutrient Disorder ?

Dr G.Thumb

Well-Known Member
Hey folks I'm a little stumped here with 2 plants I have that are about 4 weeks old and Im not to sure what to make of the problem.

1st Plant up... I thought it could be the soil ph but now I'm sort of leaning towards magnesium deficiencie perhaps ? One reason Im stumped with this one is because their is another Plant in the same point and it is going perfectly fine.

The two lower leaves their almost from the beginning have been curled up but just recently turned yellow and now brown'ish and the plant itself seems to have been stuned and may just be recovering but other then the above, the rest of the plant is fine.

2nd Plant has been growing fine but recently the middle area leaves started to look lik this and now the lower leaves have started to yellow some what.

They have been water on the regular along with some 20-20-20 every few days but not mixed to strong.

Any thoughts or suggestions are greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
What exactly is the question? Are you talking about the yellow bottom leaves? If so....Thats natural.

Dr G.Thumb

Well-Known Member
What exactly is the question? Are you talking about the yellow bottom leaves? If so....Thats natural.
sorry, i edited the post...

Question is... the 1st two pictures, the 3rd section of leaves from the time they sprouted or whatever, have been curled under, recently went yellow @ the tips and now brown. The leaves under are going yellow which is normal I know.

2nd question, 3rd picture... the Colour of the leafs on the middle seem a bit strange. Its not quite green but a few shades of green and rather off looking. Lower leaves have started to yellow slightly.