Nutrient deficiency? First grow and would really appreciate any help!


General background... So I have 4 clones .... 2 g-13 (back row) ... 2 agent orange (front row) ... i'm using fox farm ocean forest soil ... and using advanced nutrients sensi grow A/B, b-52, and voodoo juice ... the clones were transplanted exactly a week and a day ago and when i received them they were 9 days old ... so today they are 17 days old .... as you can see from the pictures i might be experiencing problems with the one on the bottom left first i gave them no nutrients ... but 2 days after the transplant i noticed some nute problems and i was confused because ocean forest is supposed to be fortified with nutes ... i checked my run off ph and it was high at 7.3 despite using water that was 6.3 ... so instead of feeding i tried lowering the water to 5.5 and then got a runoff of 6.5 but there was no improvement ... so i fed the plants on 10/6/11 (received them 10/4/11) and noticed improvement ... i fed again on 10/9/11 ... both times i did grow A/B at 1/4 strength ... b-52 1/2 strength ... voodoo juice full strength ... today is 10/12/11 and theyre scheduled for another feeding ... that is if i stay consistent (feed, 2 days off, feed, 2 days off) ... however ... i went ahead and fed only the one on the bottom left yesterday at the same dose as the prior feedings ... with that said i've noticed no change ... if anything the bottom leaves are drooping more ... i just cant figure out what the problem is.... here are some pictures ... with all that said and done the new leaves on this plant do look better than the old leaves ...



Active Member
probable over watering combine with the stress of a new enviroment you dont want to water untill the soil is totally dry stick your finger in the soil about a half inch to make sure your soil is dry. also picking up your pot to check the weight is a great way to help you know when your soil is dry.. a wet substraight or soil weighs more then a dry one. also another suggestion is that you hit those clones with neem oil to take care of pests anytime you get clones from a dispencery or another grower its only safe to assume they are infested with mildew or spidermites. i always say for every one good grower there are twenty five bad ones. good luck yo.


Active Member
oh yeah fox farm soils tend to be a lil ph high its best to cut them with a little lime or another soil... but youll be ok at 7.3 your ph will drop over time go a lil lighter on fertalizers too id say your over doin it there the fox farm could support that lil ladys by its self up untill veg is over without any fertalizer at all so you dont need too much go light on it or youll have nutrient lock to deal with later on.


I wouldn't of soaked the soil. When transplanting give'em
just enough water to git'em going. It's fresh soil you shouldn't
have to flush it out. Usually ffof runoff ph is low and you pay
it no attention. I wouldn't of watered at 5.5 ph.


usually is not the case here ... the runoff was 7.3 ... i got a runoff of 6.5 after giving it 5.5 ... trust me id rather not deal with this either ...