Nutrient companies are stealing our / your money. Lets talk about it!

Um yeah but a 3 gallon smart pot is equivalent of growing in a 5/6 gallon regular pot bcuz it can have more than 3x's the root mass because it air prunes the roots perpetually.

U tell me im an idiot and u grow in same 2 gal containers for 2-3 months of veg??? Thats hillarious. 2 gallon pots shud b ur 2nd pot after 2/3 weeks of veg they shud b too big for those containers and def after a month no fuck way. Thats ridiculous.

If he doesn't, I will.

You're an idiot. The nutrient company you're so obviously shilling for has average products at best and is run by pedophile sodomists. Now kindly shut up and piss off.
you sound like a fucking salesman for technaflora geez man
NPK is NPK use it accordingly and your plant will grow .
I have used miracle grow From start to finish and yes even the dry nutrient soil mix with great result ( Bottom fed ) its experience,,, buy what you can afford.
If these companies sold shit they be out of business long ago , are they ???
Im not a salesman for anybody buddy just trying to prove a point to not get caught up in the hype of all these bullshit nutrients. I dont even use technaflora anymore but if i were going to buy a bottled nutrient i would rather pay less for a qaulity product that donates money to third world countries for sustainable crop research. As opposed to miracle grow whos owned by a corporation that kills birds and fish and polutes the earth.
The reason these companies are still in buisness is because uninformed dick farmers keep buying them.
Again you do not have a clue you use monsanto as the evil let me see here who can be worse
Archer Daniels midland ?? look at there track record what about AES , PPL, progress Energy , Bunge, here is a good one Conagra foods ,, i am sure you got that in your house right now these are just some we can get into coal producers , etc nuclear waste list goes on but you choose monsanto give it a rest
Monsanto is a 2 punch set up weed killer n seeds you want to grow corn with out weeds monsanto got everyone beat by a red mile there is no denying weeds kill crops
people mention owe grow organic its better ,for the world etc that is so far from the truth its not even funny tests have shown more leaching of N from organic fields then non organic ..
Hmm interesting you say that here is a good read and results of leaching in both non organic and organic you might find this very interesting people tend to believe the organic growing is actually better. Save the earth when in fact it can actually cause more harm
so lets set the record straight once n for all lol

Also lets get this amount of soil to root mass figured out ..
I used to grow in 3 - 5 gallon pots sog style 5 week veg 70 + plants and harvest 7 - 8 pounds chemical feed
Watering was a night mare, room always a fucking mess, i thought there has got to be a more productive , cleaner way to go about it and achieve same yields etc..
so changed my style i went from typical pots ,, To totes 5 gallon and 34 gallon for final
instead of 70 plants i went 12 plants ,, only difference was training excessive training starting at a early stage
My results with out a reasonable doubt my yields trippled in them totes averaging 14 - 18 oz plants meaning root size is very important more roots more food uptake bigger plants , more yield end of story
you here people mention that your wasting soil i know when i took out them roots in my 34 gallon totes there was no soil as if plants ate it :) sure your typical shake root system and some soil falls off but i assure you there was fuck all left of soil
Also i like to note pest control was better room was cleaner and most importantly plants grew fast and big ..
If you do not believe me try it for your self remember i went from 70 plus plants to 12 and achieved same yields same veg time same environment. only difference was instead of pots i went totes with out any drain holes :)
seriously go get a walmart special tote :) buy a 5 - 10 - 15 gallon totes place a plant in it and see the difference in growth size n yield compared to your other 3 gallons plants View attachment 3444771View attachment 3444771

Comparison of the groundwater pollution potential of greenhouses that grow year round vegetables under intensive regimes shows that commercial farms that rely on compost as the main fertilizer source, as commonly practiced in organic agriculture, result in substantial down-leaching of nitrate
compared with farms that rely on fertigation methods, as commonly practiced in conventional agriculture.

Depends on the CEC of your soil as well as microbial life.

If both are good you will not flush nurients out of your medium.

Only point I was making.

I enjoy growing natural organics and synthetic
Again you do not have a clue you use monsanto as the evil let me see here who can be worse
Archer Daniels midland ?? look at there track record what about AES , PPL, progress Energy , Bunge, here is a good one Conagra foods ,, i am sure you got that in your house right now these are just some we can get into coal producers , etc nuclear waste list goes on but you choose monsanto give it a rest
Monsanto is a 2 punch set up weed killer n seeds you want to grow corn with out weeds monsanto got everyone beat by a red mile there is no denying weeds kill crops
people mention owe grow organic its better ,for the world etc that is so far from the truth its not even funny tests have shown more leaching of N from organic fields then non organic ..
Sustainable organics are Indeed better for the environment... there is no use trying to persuade me otherwise. Bad practices from the organic or synthetic side of the fence can be terrible for the ecosystem; however if both are done correctly organic is less invasive.

The hold up is the involvment and intricacy of sustaining commercial size organic farms which makes it unfeasable for most of our crops in the USA.

Most farms are working 5000+ acres. Good luck rotating livestock and birds in sufficient amounts to keep things natural on that scale. Take it from me
I have had excellent results with the Future Harvest line. It has a proven track record with some serious growers I know and they have tried many of the alternate lines available.
Mongo the guy probably doesn't even grow ,, He is upset cause he has been living free in rent, at his parents house,
But they had enough of his sorry ass and told him he has to get a job,, or he is out haha
so he is venting at everyone .. talking suicidal etc you can clearly see he is @ witts end and thinking suicide dam feel sorry for him hahaha who am i kidding not at all
Mongo the guy probably doesn't even grow ,, He is upset cause he has been living free in rent, at his parents house,
But they had enough of his sorry ass and told him he has to get a job,, or he is out haha
so he is venting at everyone .. talking suicidal etc you can clearly see he is @ witts end and thinking suicide dam feel sorry for him hahaha who am i kidding not at all
Oh shit, i didn't know about that. Well i really do wish the best for him. Every one is hiring here in america, he should land a job in no time i would think.
By them books, dress them up and send them to school. Then their smart so brilliant with their half truths and vomit wisdom. Then we make something useless for the people and environment based on petroleum derivatives and in a couple generations, nobody knows their left from their right. Hush rev. Everybody's got to make a living, this cannabis is going to become a real hot business and these boys in school, we put em there and why shucks, they know their stuff and we should listen. Lol. So much senseless money being wasted because of true understandings not being understood. Every once in a while somebody tries to share good info and its run down by fear and pride. What do you mean rev? Hard to tell someone sitting on a fortune in HP's bulbs and junk nutrients that their growing cannabis wrong. Takes too much humility for some to swallow and admitte that they are spending too much and usually always running to much light for example. Learn compost tea and never turn back. You can do it with a bag of your favorite soil, apple,banana peels, molasses,sugar and so on. Most only brew for a few days and that's not enough. At least a week and when it smells a little add sugar and stir. When learned you can bubble tea in your house and it won't stink and your trees will thrive and be super potent and smell and taste unreal. Well how many nutrient lines have you used rev? Most all and the tea I make blows them away...all. If you want to store it, very simple; simply cut it in half with water in jug and add one teaspoon of sugar and keep in cool dark place and will keep a long time with no smell. Had some boys laugh at me last summer when I moved out west and they were all using all the stuff mentioned above. Four weeks into flowering they seen my compost tea and urine piss eating plants under 14000k hid and they were crying and couldn't finish a joint with me. My trees four weeks flowering were frostier than theirs at 10 weeks and many times more potent. Gotta love free will. People can listen or not. Love so many schooled people, however their pride sometimes, makes them miss the boat. One love, rev.thenatural
You sounds like a very wise and experienced man.
I would be honored to try your teas and would really like the recipe.
You sounds like a very wise and experienced man.
I would be honored to try your teas and would really like the recipe.
No problem, I'm here to help as you boys and girls have enough folks trying to rip you off. Some of my generation have woke up and see now that our future, depends on you kids understanding and applying good and truthful principles in life and business. Make it simple for you and anyone else. Get a five gallon bucket and a bubbler and hose. Put hose at the bottom and anchor the hose down with a rock or whatever you choose. Throw in a shovel or two of dirt " fox farm, happy frog, some of your buddies compost ect, " then add a variety of things with it. Banana peels, apple peels, wild dandelion, clover, dried leaves, pine cones/needles, leaves off of your plants etc. One cup of sugar, 1/4 cup unsulfured molasses. This is just a start. Stir every day and if it stinks in a few days just add another half cup of sugar. After at least seven days, then use it. Cut each gallon in half with unchlorinated water and tea and add one spoon of sugar to each gallon and then store till used. This will get you started and in time, you will learn more and come up with some of your own recipes and you'll learn to keep it balanced without smelling bad. Once you start using tea, give a little time still for the organics to break down in soil, but once you see the tea giving them what they need, it just keeps giving and anything you grow with it, will be better quality than anything you will buy in a store. Anyone who would tell you different, doesn't know, even if they swear they do. I've already put too many to the test and they always leave shaking their head with love, rev.thenatural
Sounds like someone doesn't like a formal science education
I must tell you brother. True science and those educated in it...are needed and rare. In short and in a language we both can understand, " until those educated by the left brain of science, come together with humility with those who have been educated through the right brain of spirit/creator of all, very little will be accomplished for the future generation." False science and or wasted science that is handed down by the controllers is what the awakening ones despise. Their harvesting is almost at hand. Then, its just us...rev