Nutrient Burn?


Active Member
Well, here's the story. I left the plant with my friends for a few days telling to only water with plain tap water after 2 days and keep a somewhat stable light cycle. Well, they saw my bottle of water of water near the plant (containing my super-concentrated homemade fertilizer that I add only a little bit to water). They used that and also poured it on the plant.... :sad:
The spots where my fertilizer dried on the leaves isn't my main concern, it is the leaves that have yellowed.
They incident occurred last Saturday and I arrived Sunday utterly dismayed. Oh, and a branch broke as well.... :sad:

When I got back, I immediately flushed the pot with plain water and hoped for the best. These pics attached were taken tonight.

-For the leaves, will they recover or should I snip them and allow new healthy ones to grow?
-It is week 8 of flowering, how much longer do you think it'll be til harvest?
-Any other comments on the plant?


Active Member
Man, Dont worry about the broken branch. The a plants stem if craked can recover, so thats your least of concerns. But if your fertilizer is potent and you've been watering with just that, it could be nute burn. Also, you leaves and stem, WILL absorb nutrients, so its been getting nutrients through roots and the leaves. It could result in nute burn. What else, it could be over watering. Where as your plant is as large as it is, You should let the top layer of soil dry to at least one inch down. Now that vase your growing in should have holes in the bottom so the roots can get more oxygen. Also, have you looked into the growfaq this site has. It's got just about everything you need to know on that kinda crap. Watch your ph too. Good luck.


Active Member
The container does have holes on the bottom. The broken branch is fine, it was just another annoying thing that happened. I did flush the plant right when I found out what happened and waited a couple days but it didn't get better (didn't get worse, either).

As for the damaged leaves, will they recover? Or should I cut them off and let news ones grow?


Well-Known Member
Hi mate, bit of a bummer 2 weeks before harvest - I bet you were gutted.

If I were you I would leave the leaves to sort themselves out and not pull them. The plant may well re absorb some of the nutrients from the leaves to redistribute to other parts of the plant before shedding them. You never know the majority of them may well survive depending on how strong the nuits were and how effective your flush was.

What lights are you using, as plants look a little stretched ( hope you do not mind me saying - not knocking your work!), have yu thought about a HPS system?

Good luck anyway, let us know what happens


Active Member
I started with CFLs and that is when the stretching started. For about 2 weeks now there have been 2 150W HPS bulbs and 2 42W CFLs on her. For awhile it was just 3 26W CFLs


Well-Known Member
the HPS will make a big difference as time goes by. have you thought about having one flowering bulb and fitting the other with an MH bulb to stop any more stretching and increase foilage density? good luck.