nutrient burn question


Active Member
i got 6 week old plant that have been flowering for 2 weeks. they are in 3 gallon pots with fox farm ocean forest soil .i gave my plant nutrient for the second time in two weeks at low strength 2 days ago. they are starting to show signs of nutrient burn. my question is ,should i flush them or will the plants adjust if i stop feed nutrients and just give them plane water from now on?

L Cap

Active Member
I would give em a nice flush and then dont use nutes for a good 2 or 3 feedings. then use an even lower dose of nutes than you used before. what nutes you using and how much?


Active Member
fox farm big bloom and tiger bloom at half strength .when you say nice flush what would you recommend for a 3 gallon pot


Active Member
flush double the amount of water that ur container size in ur case, 3gal flushed w/6 gallons of water...that seems to be the standard rule of greenthumb lol ima hydro guy tho so i could be wrong....good luck!