nutrient burn please help!!!


Well-Known Member
Ouch, Looks a little overwatered as well.. Are there ferts in the soil?? Normally I would say to give it a flush with reg ph'd water, but the over watering might affect that as well. My 2¢ is to flush it. Wait til some others chime in though. Someone else might have a better option.

Cheers & best of luck.


Well-Known Member
they will be ok bud, will seriously knock ya grow time but should be ok wen the new growth comes through, there nothing wrong wit foliar feeding jus make sure the nutes r compatible an do it before lights out, how long ago did this happen and is there any new growth?


Active Member
Yeah you will be fine just keep her going. I once had a plant about that size up on my deck outside that got so burnt i had to cut off every single leaf. it stood about one foot high...just a looked hella funny, but all new growth came in. Cannabis is very forgiving. I would actually recommend foliar feeding in the morning. the stomata (or pores) are supposed to be more open and can absorb more. def just don't do it when you're lights are on.

To make best of what's happened.
Cut off all leaves that are more then 50% dead or it will just spread more and more and more. and the plant will use more energy trying to revive itslef then start new growth. Maybe flush it for a day or two and see how the new growth looks. I once thought I had nute burn, and I did. I flushed and flushed and flushed... and it just wasn't getting any better. So i finally was like screw it maybe it neeeds some more. I went back feeding her nutes just at like 1/4 strength. She responded very well. The thing about nutes is they give the plant what it needs to heal itself. Try going to a local garden or nursery store and buy some worm juice. It's high in enzymes and minerals and has always worked great for my sick ones. Worm juice is the leachate created from vermicomposting.
thanks alot guys ....i've started the flushing and we'll see what happens .... i also have pulled the dead leaves of and have some more seedlings on the way .... 1 thing im growing with 2 cfl 23 watts and a grow light 60 watt.... im in the process of getting maybe a 400 watt hps or mh for the flowering.... any input would be great