Nutrient Burn - now flushing - need advice


Well-Known Member

by using the forums here, I diagnosed my problem as over fertilization. My leaves turned yellow, crisp, with red spots and the plants stopped growing completely. I am a first time hydro grower, just so you know. I dumped the mixture and now have them in 12 gallons of clean water with a PH of 5.5 to 6. My question is, how long do I need to flush my plants before adding nutrient solution again??? And, will they recover, or do I need to take clones and start over. I'm 1 and a half months in to it, and am hoping they will come back. All advice will be welcome. I hope to hear from folks soon. Thank you!



Well-Known Member
do you have tds meter?
if so what was tds of flush water in?
what kind of system?
unfortunately I do not have a tds meter yet.

I am running a hydro system. I have my plants in 18 gallon buckets, with 12 gallons of water / nutrient solution. I never let it dip below 11 gallons. I use hydroton for my growing medium, and bubble oxygen under the roots from the bottom of the buckets using a simple fish tank pump. I'm sure I get plenty of oxygen. I am running three 400W HPS lights at the moment 24 hours (4 plants). My temps are around 75 degrees through the night, and no higher than 85 during the day ambient and generally 80 degrees near the plants. I pump fresh air in from outside.

I hope this info helps. again, at the moment I have only fresh water with no nutes. And I am wondering how long I should flush my plants before adding nutes again.

The nutes I use is general hydronponics Flora Micro 5-0-1.

My concentration is 8ml / gallon of water so for 12 gallons i was using 96ml's of solution. I was told that I should then let the plants drink 12 gallons of regular water, and then give them a new batch of fresh nutes.

However, I never made it that far. I thought that my issue was a nutrient / ph problem, so I changed my solution 3 times, never allowing for extra water (full strength nutes each time). I did this because I found out my PH meter was out of spec, reading one point high (i.e. if the meter read 7.0 it was really 8.0). S oI found myslef using a lot of PH down, which I thought might be causing a problem as well. This has been corrected.
the idea is too get the nutrients off of the roots if you have hard water you have seen nutrient deposits around screen on faucet
same with your roots the more you can "unlock" or dissolvethose nutes from roots sooner they will be free to feed


Well-Known Member
the idea is too get the nutrients off of the roots if you have hard water you have seen nutrient deposits around screen on faucet
same with your roots the more you can "unlock" or dissolvethose nutes from roots sooner they will be free to feed

i don't think the gh nutes are for hard water. Also, I've never seen a build up of anything in the screens of my faucets....and yes I am using water from my faucet. It is domestic, not well water. we don't have well water in our city.. :) In fact, we have some of the best water in the world. I live in Oregon.

It seems to me that you are saying my plants are not feeding. Where I am saying, I believe I over fertilized and now have nutrient burn... that is why I am flushing my plants now.

My question all along has been, how long should I let my plants have water only, with no nutes??? I am trying to FLUSH them out...I just don't know how many days this takes...

if you want an exact answer here it is "as long as it takes"
until they look healthy again without knowing tds of tap water it is hard to say if you can go to yur local fish store and get some ro water i would say depending on how bad of burn is relevant to how long of flush