Nutrient burn is my PPM/pH ok


New Member
I've being having an on-going nutrient burn problem during flower and have recently purchased a TDS meter, here's what I found

my tap water PPM = 310 pH = 7.5
adding bloom nutrient @ 3ml/ltr PPM = 554 pH = 7.0
adding bud booster @ 2ml/ltr PPM = 720 pH = 6.5

My next step is dolomite lime my be it will reduce nutrient build up.

Any advice would help.


If you start with water that has a ppm of 350 you are asking for nutrient uptake problems. That is really hard water.


Steve I am not saying that is causing your burn but with PPM that high there is no way to tell what you are giving to your plant how much calcium is in that water how much chlorine etc before you even add the nutes. You could be giving your plans 3times the calcium they need who knows cause the base water has a really high ppm I would either buy bottle water if you have a small grow you can get great water for less than $0.60 a gallon at most water stations in like walmart or a super markets or get a RO filter but they cost $$$


New Member
understandable, just starting to look at my ppm's after growing a couple of years. also googled what could be in the water, as you rightly said about calcium and other chemicals, I could be overdosing my girls. at least if I get bottled water or even ro water ill control what they get.

all the best, steve


Active Member
My tap water is in the 400 s with even higher PH. I was having some issues with plants and not paying as much attention being in soil. I went out and invested in RO water system and everything is staying nice and green now. I sometimes due a 50/50 mix just so I can get some of the minerals back in. Another thing you should look into is organic. If you don't mind a little upfront work then its clear sailing no need to worry about TDS / PH. Just water and let it do its thing.