Nutramist system


Well-Known Member
does anyone use this system? i guess it's a type of fogger. it looks cool but its $600. whats the word??



Well-Known Member
i know. i dont have enough room vertically to stack 2 totes on top of each other. as seen i have about 7ft total

both systems seen are both aero systems made based off the howtohydroponics book. i was looking at the fogger because i read some good things about it and i was wondering if anyone had any more insight.

Do you think the systems in place will be sufficient enough to produce some fatty nuggets? or should i "go all in" and go for the fogger?


Well-Known Member
You can make one of those with a ebay fogger and a computer fan.. DIY baby!! Thanks for the diagram.. Thats all I need to make it myself now! :)