nutirents with organic soil.....


Active Member
Ok, so i am using Kellogg all natural garden soil from lowes...

what i need to know long before i start adding nutes to this soil... has anyone ever had any problems with earth juice? should i mix this soil with anything or do you think it will be fine straight out of the bag? this is my first outdoor grow, and my other indoor grows were all hydroponics so i am fairly new to the whole "grow organic buds thing". i heard the flavor and potency tends to be better this way so i decided to give it a shot. Any help is greatly appreciated!!! thanks!


New Member
They'll probably run out of nitrogen first so look for lower leaves turning to a pale green and eventually the lowest smaller leaves will yellow up and drop off.


Well-Known Member
start feeding when the cotyldons (feeder leaves) or the first set of leaves on the plant start turning yellow. this is a sign of a lack of nitrogen. this usually happens around 2 weeks depending on strain.


find ur desired spot to plant. dig a hole approx. 2 feet deep by 3 feet wide. try to remove the top layer with grass or weeds whatever it may be where it can be placed back down. toss ur bag of soil in the bottom. add a big handfull of blood and bone meal and any other organics u want then toss in half of the dirt u dug and mix in the hole. should b 2/3rds full. fill top with plain dirt u dug. then u can place the top layer back the best u can. this leaves u with a nice hole with fertile dirt. c next post


ok sorry. limited spaces. prepare the hole a week bfore planting. have the plants outside adjusting to climate. with the hole prepared that way the ground will look near untampered with especially from above. and ur good soil under the plain will keep the bugs and varmits out. put plants on the outer edge of the hole. the roots will shoot thru the loosened soil and once they hit the fertile soil they will take off. throw down a few branches and u have a very well disguised patch. 8 plants will fit nice!!