Nutes with every or every other watering?


Active Member
As the title states, do you guys feed your plants everytime you water or every other watering?? Let me know your experiences and/or thoughts!


Well-Known Member
In soil? if so, do 2 feedings water then 1 fert, 2 water 1 fert....

Hell, do Less Fertz if the plantz are real dark green, bump it to 3 water 1 fert...

I personally find i only have to 1 fertz 4 water for my Soil Lady's.....

All done when the soil is Dry....


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Well-Known Member
As the title states, do you guys feed your plants everytime you water or every other watering?? Let me know your experiences and/or thoughts!
I feed every other watering but I wouldn't recommend feeding every watering. Excess fertilizer salts can build up if you feed every time. Find what works best and try not to go overboard with ferts. Plants are a lot more tolerant to too little fertilizer as opposed to too much.


Active Member
feed water water. continue with that and you should have no problem with salt build up. When watering you should see 10-15% run off. Doing this will keep from overfeeding and salt build up.


Depends how much nutes are in ur soil. Strong soil u would wanna feed less with ur water. If using coco I would feed, feed, water. Or feed everytime and flush with straight water about every three weeks.


Active Member
Holy crap ok I've definitely been overfeeding then....and I think I'm getting nute burn. I was giving them nutes with every watering. I'm gonna switch to every other to start off with and see how that works. Thanks for confirming something for me!


Well-Known Member
Holy crap ok I've definitely been overfeeding then....and I think I'm getting nute burn. I was giving them nutes with every watering. I'm gonna switch to every other to start off with and see how that works. Thanks for confirming something for me!

Every other! Man, you best give them NOTHING but water for like the next 4 to 6 feedings, you Gotta bleach out the Nutz man! If you don't then they Won't recover!:leaf: