Nutes / Times/ first grow and thread


New Member
Hell guys. First thread here as i am a new member. i have my first initial grow ever going right now . I would start a grow journal but its just commericial seeds (nothing special). I plan on doing a journal when i get some good seeds from attitude and improve my set up a bit. right now i am using

Soil- FFOF
Light- 4 CFL t12 42 watt 3200 lumen bulbs
containers - Red solo cups up to 5 gal buckets.
Nutes - FF grow big FF tiger bloom, Photosynthesis plus
My plants are on 18/6 light cycle obviously :P

Now i am woundering about the photosynthesis plus my dad bought it and im not to sure about it:?.has anyone used it? any tips on it? how beneficial is it ? when should i start using it and should i feed with that everytime id say feed with grow big also? i have read other threads on here about the ffof not needing really any more nutes untill after week 4 or so. and going to straight flowering nutes? would it be more beneficial for my plant to just use the soil for 4-5 weeks of veg then straight to flowering with flowering nutes? or veg in soil for 4weeks and feed veg nutes for a week flush/transplant to flower then start flowering nutes.

Definitly my first grow and i want it to go right. Money is tight and an issue atm so i do not have a ph tester -or co2 tester unfortunatly im hoping to get one in a couple weeks.

My grow room is extremly cheap at the moment haha dont hate its a work in progress im hoping to upgrade to a 600w hps mh light 6" duct and a 240cfm fan or something and mylar padding so on so forth within a couple months. ANY ADVICE TIPS /CRITIZISM is welcome :)




Well-Known Member
Your taking a chance of frying your seedlings using 100% FFOF from the start. Most people mix it 50/50 with light warrior for seedlings and first part veg.

You dont really need a Co2 meter unless you plan on adding C02 to the grow. A ppm meter for adding the proper amount of nutes and checking the ppm of runoff is going to help you out more then a co2 meter.

Other then that i would try to find a well documented grow journal that is as close to your set up as possible, make sure it is getting good results and follow that as close as you can.


Active Member
FFOF shouldn't give you any troubles with nute burn. Its all natural stuff (earthworm, bat guano, stuff from the ocean). Even with the organic nutes in it, they are such low doesn't even matter.

Wait 4 week or so till feeding. No big grow till then.


New Member
Your taking a chance of frying your seedlings using 100% FFOF from the start. Most people mix it 50/50 with light warrior for seedlings and first part veg.

You dont really need a Co2 meter unless you plan on adding C02 to the grow. A ppm meter for adding the proper amount of nutes and checking the ppm of runoff is going to help you out more then a co2 meter.

Other then that i would try to find a well documented grow journal that is as close to your set up as possible, make sure it is getting good results and follow that as close as you can.
i did a 25% mix of perlite + fox farm for some more air flow etc etc. i am more concerened about the adding of the photosynthesis plus. and outlook on that? like when to use it? and should i add it to my other nutes when i do start nuting or seperate.


New Member
i plan on getting the ph meter and ppm meter within 2-3 weeks so that okay along with getting my nutes. im thinkinb about starting this into a grow journal to just track it. even though the bud is prob gonna be ugly :p


Well-Known Member
You might be ok with 75/25 mix. Some folks have been reporting Hot batches of FFOF lately is the reason i said that. So they have gone to a mix of FFOF and light Warrior.

Photosynthesis plus is just benies ( beneficial bacteria , fungus). You can use that right from the start there is not any nutes in there to speak of. This is what the say is in it.

Material Percentage
Bacterial culture and Fungal strains 3.65%
De-ionized water 96.35%

Guaranteed Analysis Percentage
Available Phosphate (P2O5) 0.5%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 0.09%

Bacterial Content Specifications
Bacillus amiloliquefaciens 1.0 X 107
Bacillus licheniformis 5.0 X 106
Bacillus megaterium 2.5 X 105
Bacillus subtilis 5.0 X 106
Rhodopseudomonas palustris 8.5 X 104
Rhodospirillum rubrum 2.0 X 104

Mycorrhizae Content Specifications
Glomus aggrefatum 0.9296 propagules/mL
Glomus etunicatum 0.9296 propagules/mL
Glomus intraradices 0.9296 propagules/mL
Glomus mosseae 0.9296 propagules/mL
Pisolithus tinctorious 371,875 propagules/mL
Rhizopogon villosulus 92,968 propagules/mL
Rhizopogon amylopogon 92,968 propagules/mL
Rhizopogon fulvigleba 92,968 propagules/mL
Rhizopogon luteolus 92,968 propagules/mL
Scleroderma cepa 186,718 propagules/mL
Scleroderma citrinum 186,718 propagules/mL

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Hmm...The Photo Plus is an "uptake/conversion" enhancer.
It takes nutrients in the soil and by the Bio active "critters" it puts in the soil converts those "non-available complex" nutrient compounds into "available" for use by the plant, nutrient compounds.

You MAY find that if you use synthetic nutrients. You MIGHT have to scale back their use by as much as 50% to prevent nutrient excess's!
I know if you use SEA GREEN you WILL get that problem in synthetic grows. Stuff works GREAT for organic grows!