Nutes that help add a sweet taste?


Active Member
photo (3).jpgDamn I just typed like a 2 paragraph like explanation of what im looking for then I accidentally deleted it. So Im gonna make it short and simple this time
Earlier I smoked some danky indoor and it had a remarkable taste that I can honestly say Ive never had tasted weed that tasted this good. Even out of a swisher too which usually masks the taste. It had almost really sweet koolaid taste.
Right now im running harborside genetics and im using ace hardware plain gardening soil mixed with perlite and peat moss
Im currently feeding them about 2 times a week and I give them each about a gallon of water mixed with
1 tblspoon Fox Farms Big Bloom
and if they look like they need a nitrogen boost i use 1\3tblspoon fox farms grow big.
I have heard of people using nute lines such as bud candy to sweeten the smell\taste? is this true ? if so I wanna get some lol somebody give me some insight? What other nutes could I get them to make them healthier? I was planning on getting some CalMag , but what else?
Edit: They are on Day 20 of flower and all have nice buds on them so far all the colas are coming in to place and all are packing on resin but they all dont have a very strong smell to them? Maybe its because im used to them or what but I feel like it could be more. Heres a pic of me trying to get all 7. Im running 2 KGDP's ,1 Blue Dream, 1 strawberry cough, 1 chemband, 1 Tahoe O.G, and 1 Purple Cadillac.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
good genetics, good drying and curing and growing skills make for a great tasting and smelling bud. There is no magic bottle to make up for all the other stuff being bad.


Active Member
Well I'd say harborside has some good genetics lol but im no master farmer. just a first timer indoor grower hopefully will grow for the rest of my life

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Well I'd say harborside has some good genetics lol but im no master farmer. just a first timer indoor grower hopefully will grow for the rest of my life
just remember to keep it simple, don't love your plants to death, want to become a master grower? Learn how to read your plants and there needs. learn how NOT to fall for advertising tricks and learn all you can about nutrients and how they work. happy growing


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna say its 75% genetics. I'm sure the genetics your running are great, but they may not be "sweet". There are hundreds if not thousands of different flavor and smell profiles out there, so if you want something "sweet" or perhaps fruity, you have to search for that specific genetic. I tend to prefer these flavors over things like deisel. I love the fruitiness of my white widow, I'm currently also growing some C99 because its supposed to have a sweet fruity pheno. I recently bought some deep grapefruit seeds from dinafem which are supposed to be sweet and grapefruity. I'm growing a strain that is supposed to be strawberry something but havn't noticed an actual sweetness just a very unique flavor. I'd suggest getting some genetics that carry the qualities you want and then try to fine tune them from there. You can grow great weed with simple equipment if you still do it right.

I'm a firm believer in less is more when it comes to nutrients, I've always had great results, and good yields with out going over the top with crazy additives and tons of nutes. When I grew in soil I used fox farms and they worked great. I also used fox farms in hydro and guess what it still worked great. I've tried several different nutes over the years, and am toying with an addative right now. But if you read your plants and just give them what they need, instead of tons of other stuff, you will grow nice plants and have good results.


Well-Known Member
Sweets sweets sweets push them, 10mls in veg and 20 in flower. I use GH Flora Nectar sweets but Botanicare sweets are good as well. Yes genetics play a large role but sweets really help bring out the taste and smell. I gave some clones of Blue Dream to another fellow grower and he does not use sweets and you can smell and taste the difference between mine and his.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Don't fall for the B.s, they do nothing but drain you of money. Molasses is for feeding microbes,nothing else.


Well-Known Member
The only real way to tell the difference would be to do a side by side with clones, and identical growing conditions and just as importantly identical drying conditions. Then test both grows scientifically, as well as by hand, nose, and mouth. If both grows are few appropriate nutrients otherwise and the only difference between them was a sweetener or not, I doubt the difference would be detectable by anything other then the actual test of terpenes. That being said.......

I've been running the lucas formula with GH flora nutes which is basically bloom and micro because they both have N in them. I have added calmagic as needed as well when I noticed a few small rust spots which appeared to be a C def. I recently got a free sample of GH floralicious plus, which is a kelp extract and humic acid additive designed to increase flavor and smell from my understanding. I've been running it pretty much my whole flower period this round, and I'm curious to see if I notice a difference. I promise if I do I'll report back as such. I decided to go ahead and run it because from what I've read the kelp can help with structure and the humic acid with nutrient uptake I believe. That being said my plants have been fed less then ever before and have actually seemed right on the edge of over feeding. So its very possible that this additive has made the nutes more available to the plants, and so I'm not having to run at higher levels. I havn't had this batch over 900ppm and most of their life was spent at about 700, in the past I've ran the same genetics up to 1300 without any burn issues. I don't know but its one of the only differences this go around.