Nutes problem need some advice,


Active Member
Ok so if you read my journal and my other threads youll know what my grow is,,,, basically I have a prob, my leaves tips are yellowing and drying out,, just very bottom set tgey single blade set,, diagnosis,, needs nutes,, solution, ff trio,,,, next prob, broke until after the first of feb, so until I can get them ordered, I got some jobes fertilizer stakes , 13-4-5,, so my question is will these work atlease for a few weeks until I get my trio????


Active Member
Also I will remove the stake when I get the trio,,,, I plan on transplanting to 5g buckets when my nutes get here, giving them another week or so to recover and get used to the nutes(while I get my flowering set up, set up) and then start the flowering process


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Staff member
Ok so if you read my journal and my other threads youll know what my grow is,,,, basically I have a prob, my leaves tips are yellowing and drying out,, just very bottom set tgey single blade set,, diagnosis,, needs nutes,, solution, ff trio,,,, next prob, broke until after the first of feb, so until I can get them ordered, I got some jobes fertilizer stakes , 13-4-5,, so my question is will these work atlease for a few weeks until I get my trio????
STAY AWAY from the Jobe's Fertilizer Spikes. My hubby stunted my lilacs so bad I thought they were dead for three years with those damn things. They are way to strong. Oh and if you'd like more help you need to give us a link or post images and information in this post. But to tell us they are in your journal with no link etc... won't get you as much help (I mean we are lazy stoners after all right?)
I don't think you will find many "Jobes fertilizer spikes" experts on here, but hey, I could be wrong. If I was that strapped for cash I would spend $10 at Lowes and get a box each of Miracle grow regular and bloom. It has a track record that could work for you. I wouldn't drive in a couple of time release spikes just to cause more problems down the road. It's good advice to have everything in hand prior to the start of a grow. Good luck!


Active Member
Well the spikes are already in the soil,,, so hopefully they wont do to much damage in a couple weeks,, and I know but iut was sort of spur of the moment grow thay got me really enthused


Well-Known Member
If those things are anything like the MG spikes, you should be able to poke around and pull out a mushy remain of what you pushed in.
I have some of the MG that got used many moons ago for veggies, and I really didn't care for them.
Sorry, but I haven't seen any of your other threads though I've seen your posts.
If you're in flower, I REALLY wouldn't stuff those in with that much N, and the water dissolving things, giving more every time you water, they're worse than people say MG soil is.
A $5 box of MG all purp. if you're vegging, or MG bloom stuff if you're flowering will get you by for a couple weeks.


Active Member
You have actually helped me on some of my posts a few days ago,, so being that im dead broke, have no intentions on letting my plants die yet, wont there atleast be some good aspects of adding nitrogen to my soil, as most of my research points me that the lack of nitrogen is the problem???


Active Member
I took a second look at the mg organic soil that is supposed ta feed for 2mo, there is hardly any n-p-k in it, I think that is my whole slow growth mini plants problem, the lack of propper nutes,,, does that make sense, or did I just smoke way to much


Well-Known Member
If its just a couple weeks you should be fine man. Yoir not in flower so you could use some kick ass nitrogen right now if you dont have five bucks for MG. use whatever you have. A day or two before you transplant just take the spikes out and run a good flush to get out whatevers left so it doesnt screw with your feed shedule. Your damp but not soaked soil should slide out without falling apart to bad when you transplant and rock out with FF. if your watering to often right now youll end up with soil surface mould so make sure your letting those girls get dry soil before watering again. Root rot can also happen if you water to much.


Well-Known Member
How late is it in the growth of the plant?? because at later stages the very bottom set yellows and dries out,, thats natural


Active Member
Its 4 weeks, im changing to 20/4 today, both plants have very good roots, my littlest ones roots are already circling bottom of 1g pots