Nutes now? Or later?


Well-Known Member
If you had a 2 week old seedling, cotyledons yellowed, and the plant is a bit stunted (not sure it might be from underwatering), but they seem like they're recovering. Would you give nutes now since the cotyledons are off? Or would you give it a week or 2 later? The seedlings aren't so dark green either, more like a lime green.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i always wait 3 weeks after the clone has taken and have good roots, the same with seedling wait tellthey have good roots first then introduce nutes at 1/4 to 1/2 strength and work up. goodluck


Well-Known Member
keep in mind seedlings ar fragile. that being said if your ph is off it will effect them dramatically also too much water is a big problem with young plants. they are tiny and dont need much water at that stage