nutes in flower


Active Member
just switched my plants into 12/12... do i start with the bloom nutes now or stick with the veg nutes until they start to flower? looked around for this for a while... wasn't able to find what I was looking for. maybe just one too many bongsmilie


Active Member
I usually start using bloom nutes. I also use Open Sesame with my Fox Farm Tiger bloom. I have seen great results using open sesame. It can be used in late veg too. It promotes early flowering/sexing and promotes bud sites and it has worked well for me in side by side comparison. Same strain further along already was fed with open sesame. It's your preference you could give them another feeding of veg nutes. If your looking low on Nitrogen then mix just a little grow nutes with the bloom. Shouldn't hurt this early in flower and give them enough N to get through flower.


Active Member
Me personally I give them Veg nutes the first week since thats mainly a transitional phase from going to veg to flower about two to three weeks in is around the time i give Flowering nutes again thats just me Im far from an Expert


Well-Known Member
They use alot of nitrogen during the stretch phase, every other feeding(sometimes 1 every 3)i give them veg nutes. i also do a few veg nutrient feedings a few times as flowering goes on. keeping the leaves around and healthy and making energy for the plant is very important. some people say nitrogen in flowering is bad, but its a myth.
Here is my personal preference on giving nutrients during the flowering stage (soil growing):

First week day 1 feeding: Molasses (1 tbs per gallon & you want to use an unsulphured brand like Brer Rabbit Full Flavor)
- In short the molasses will help your plants roots uptake the nutrients more efficiently. I've read this causes your plant to have bigger denser buds & may improve the taste.

First week day 2 or 3 (depending on your watering cycle) 1/5 Flowering nutrients.
- Most products have you feed 1/3 or 1/4 normal dose, but in my opinion it is safer to use less to prevent burning your plants.

First week 3rd watering - just water

Second week 1st watering - molsesse, 2nd watering 1/4 nutes, 3rd watering just water.

By the 3rd week use the same pattern, but you should be about 4/5 strength on your nutrients. I recommend using this method for the rest of your grow to prevent over fertilizing.

About 2-weeks before harvest 1/2 nutrients, 10-days 1/4 nutrients, and after that rotate just water & then molasses mix.

This has worked for me for many years, you may find better results using different doses, but remember it is better to under do then to over do :)

Peace out