Nutes during flowering?

just wondering how important adding nutes are during the flowering stage? still in a low budget mode so i want to limit my expenses where i can and if my plants will still bud w.o any deficiencies, id rather hold off on buying nutrients.. ive heard molasses works well, can i get by w just using molasses? and how much should i be using?


Well-Known Member
Honestly I would hit up either a hydro shop or amazon and spend the couple bucks for some nutes. Do you really want to put forth the effort for a sub par plant? I started out on a budget and had a full line of nutes I spent like 45 bucks on. Nothing's worth doing half way my friend. Nutes play a huge roll in the size and health of your plants.
any recommendations for a man on a budget? strictly flowering nutes as i already get great veg growth w my miraclegro soil and 400w hps lol i just want fat nugs at the moment rather than highly potent crystalized nugs
You can always pick up a technaflora starter kit. It pretty much has everything you are going to need from start to finish and they are less than $40. Your probably only going to get a few runs out of it before you need more however, the bottles are pretty small, but will be enough to get you through you first grow. Not top of the line nutes, but better than nothing and very budget friendly.
You can always pick up a technaflora starter kit. It pretty much has everything you are going to need from start to finish and they are less than $40. Your probably only going to get a few runs out of it before you need more however, the bottles are pretty small, but will be enough to get you through you first grow. Not top of the line nutes, but better than nothing and very budget friendly.
thats pretty convienent lol how good is the cloning stuff that it comes w? i plan on cloning a few of my seedlings from nirvana crop :D im just nervous about getting the right materials before i risk harming the plant at all.