nutes and fertilizer


Active Member
ima a first time grower and im about to stat adding fertilizer and nutrients to my plants any suggestions to wat kind of fertilizer and nutrients i should use.
i live in a small town so i have a limited places to go, wal mart, kmart, lowes, meijers, home depot, thanx all


Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm no expert (first grow, few days to harvest) but I was limited on where I could go for ferts. I picked one which was a general fertilizer with equal ratio of NPK (for veg). By the time I got to flowering I found some cannabis fertilizer for flowering.

The general fertilizer done a good job. Remember not to over do it. If you are less than 3-4 weeks in, you may want to wait especially if they look very healthy.


Well-Known Member
Just get some of that liquid miricale grow if you cant get your hands on anything good. Worked fine for me the first time.... Basically a general rule bro is anything you grow at home is going to pretty much be better then anything you buy on the streets (for the most part).


i got 4 plants under a 600w hps i am on my second week of flowering my first grow ...i used fox farm ocean blend soil.. havent added any nutes some yellowing and browning of lower growth leave tips curling jup and down on some leaves duno what could be wrong ...should i get nutes if so what kind dont wana use to many jus want some nice tasty buds for my first run .. i was beeing told superthrive and big bloom would this do ? any help