What qualifies as "too hot"? How does one know that a given fert will be OK and not "burn"?
There are alot of "cumulatives" in this organic thing. My BioTone is 4-3-3, and the bone meal is 6-9-0 for a total of 10-12-3. The sources of each nute (Blood/bone meal, guano, WC, etc) each are different in NPK, and when combining more than one I assume that you have to account for all three.
Anyone have a link or an explanation of what is a HOT fert that I can get my mind around? I need to know the whys, not just that it's hot. Hope I'm making sense.
TheLastPirate.... Too hot, is any amount of NPK that will cause nute burn to a particular strain of Mary. Some plants can take everything you throw at them, others are very sensitive to NPK additions.
As a general rule, start seeds in Jiffy Peat Pellets, Rapid Rooters or Jiffy Seed Starting Mix. These all have a very, very dilute amount of NPK in them. Once your babies, are up and growing (two sets of leaves), transplant them into a light fluffy, mix of soil with an NPK value not exceeding 12-12-12.
Take into account, the NPK value of anything you add. You must add the numbers up each time you add anything in the begining (first 6 weeks).
After the first six weeks of growth, you can begin to assume, Mary has drawn out half of the initial NPK. Two weeks (I consider them babies - aka - seedling), then after the other four weeks (they are teenagers). For all of us with teenagers, we know - they will eat, and eat and still say they are hungry. Some plants will, other won't.
So, I always advise - feed low, slow & steady.
I water one week, then fertilize the next, in rotation, to avoid the two biggest problems - Overwatering & Overfeeding. If during a watering only week I see a sign of deficency, I can always add a little, but just a little of what she needs.
Since, I don't know which strain you are growing. I can't give you specific feeding mixes, but try to keep the numbers (NPK) within a third of each other. More N during growth, more P during flowering. Then during week 3 of flowering, drop the N to 2 or less and ease up the P. Let me know, and I'll help you dial them in for maximum potential.
Keep it Real....Organic....