Nute lockout


Well-Known Member
It's so stressed and flower brings extra demands, if you could fix these now overnight they might be worth keeping but I don't think you will and face exponential problems.
I had worst looking plants last grow that pulled me 2oz a plant... deficiencies dont always equal hit the abort button. Thats what quitters do, and I ain't no fucking quitter.


Well-Known Member
So back to the problem at hand. What do you guys think is the issue. I always have trouble figuring out whats the deficiency and how to fix it. I heard stop giving cal mag. Which is what I'm going to do next time. The ppm were reading fine around 550 which is weird. I think I may try feeding her when she drys up. I usually do a 1/4 strength of nutes. How does anybody ever figure out issues . Im starting to wander if its fox farm, but idk. I seem to have the same nute lockout issue like last time.


Well-Known Member
Tap water, light distance is mabe 16 inches, I only fed once (except for cal mag, I gave 3ml in a gallon since week 2 or 3), I water until run off
You do not need to use calmag if you tap is higher than 0,4 EC (ppm 200 on 500scale) and I think you do not need to use it at all since its probably calcium nitrate and magnesium nitrate (ussually NPK 6-0-0) plus some micro (sometimes) and you have enough of N in your base or at least you should. Another thing is happy frog, I am in Europe so I do not know whats made of but are you sure it is soil? Or is it kinda soilless? On the bag I see potting soil which basically means potting mix. I would say (but can be wrong) you have two options how to treat it. One is go organics with amendments and top dressing which is for me too difficult and respect all guys who do that. Or just look at it what they say its hydro and try another regime and treatment. I was also chasing pH in these mixes to range for soil and you should be in same range as for coco or hydro 5,5-6,0. They seems to perfor better


Well-Known Member
You do not need to use calmag if you tap is higher than 0,4 EC (ppm 200 on 500scale) and I think you do not need to use it at all since its probably calcium nitrate and magnesium nitrate (ussually NPK 6-0-0) plus some micro (sometimes) and you have enough of N in your base or at least you should. Another thing is happy frog, I am in Europe so I do not know whats made of but are you sure it is soil? Or is it kinda soilless? On the bag I see potting soil which basically means potting mix. I would say (but can be wrong) you have two options how to treat it. One is go organics with amendments and top dressing which is for me too difficult and respect all guys who do that. Or just look at it what they say its hydro and try another regime and treatment. I was also chasing pH in these mixes to range for soil and you should be in same range as for coco or hydro 5,5-6,0. They seems to perfor better
Im going to cut the cal mag out for now like you said. Do you think I should do 1/4 nutes or half nutes? This is one of the hardest 0arts with growing is figuring out what you did wrong. I def. Improved from my last grow. I stunted the crap out of them last grow but still got good yields. This grow I grew the same plants and they are wayyy taller than last grow. Just the same issues with nute lockout. I even watered till runoff this time compared to last time. I got cal mag because I had calcium issues last time, but that probably was due to lockout. If you have been growing for a long time is this quite normal to see issues like this? Im starting to believe its almost impossible to not hit a road bump some time during growing. I gave them a flush last time so hopefully that may help a bit. Im not going to flush again until 2 weeks before harvest. I only like to flush twice during my grows. I just dont understand how you guys figure this shit out. Its frustrating. One thing I know from last grow though, is dont panic unless you need to. Most plants will be fine with some issues. I got 2 ounces a plant last grow and they were shocked and had nutrient lockout problems.


Well-Known Member
You do not need to use calmag if you tap is higher than 0,4 EC (ppm 200 on 500scale) and I think you do not need to use it at all since its probably calcium nitrate and magnesium nitrate (ussually NPK 6-0-0) plus some micro (sometimes) and you have enough of N in your base or at least you should. Another thing is happy frog, I am in Europe so I do not know whats made of but are you sure it is soil? Or is it kinda soilless? On the bag I see potting soil which basically means potting mix. I would say (but can be wrong) you have two options how to treat it. One is go organics with amendments and top dressing which is for me too difficult and respect all guys who do that. Or just look at it what they say its hydro and try another regime and treatment. I was also chasing pH in these mixes to range for soil and you should be in same range as for coco or hydro 5,5-6,0. They seems to perfor better
Its potting mix


Well-Known Member
If you need more pics I can do that as well. I guess I should examine the tips to see if there burnt. If there not burnt that should mean its not a lockout issue correct?
There are two things you should figure out before you gonna talk about “lockout”. First is your light, being sure they are not getting stressed by too much light is crucial first step. This does not need to be visible as light burn or bleach since we are not talking about hot spots but about overall DLI they recieve. Sometimes the whole plant issue is just hidden in this “small” mistake. Than another important thing is temperature in the root zone. Optimal range for nutrient uptake is being consider between 18-22 Celsius in the rhizosphere, I have noticed when they drop under 16, than plant starts to show slight deficiencies in macros NPK. We are talking about average values, so if you run LED and have ambient temp max 22 than you are balancing on the edge and this can be source of your problem. Than lets talk about medium... did you ever ask yourself, why they come 5,5 pHed out of bag? Why they did not added more lime to make it “ideal” 6,5? I did and also tried to pHed it to 6,3. Believe me it definitely does not work like that! Beside that calcium messing everthing around ended up flushing with citric acid to kick them back on track. These mediums are made pH 5,5-6,0 for best nutrient uptake. Amount of added DL is also limited. It is not about too much calcium or magnesium for the plant since breakdown of dolomite lime is 2-3 years, but its about things and reactions between medium and salts in fertilizers (ofc I know nothing what is exactly happening there but know it wont work) which can lead to completely imbalanced medium. Another thing is fertilizing and watering. For me works best one thing. When go only water, then I do no runoff. When I feed than I have nice regular runoff. I give 7L and I get 1L runoff measure its EC for check if its not skyhigh and than wait untill it completely dries and water here and there when the pot feels lighter. But important is observe your plant for EVERY strange leaf behaving or discolouration. Trick is giving her nothing untill she really say something, than you can easily figure out overfeeding, salt builtup and other things connected to this. Than you know your light is OK, temp, you do not have bugs and you give food and she is happy. Than it becomes a routine and you will exactly know what to do. Burry the schedules and not needed suplements and boosters and go just basic. Keep your plant happy and not push her hard. A lot of advices on getting higher yields is for top growers in top environment. Most of us and me also grow for ouselves and its kinda hobby. I am growing in not such ideal environment and getting kinda lazy. At the end need to say that I am not an expert and somebody can disagre with things I said. It does not need to be true and I can be wrong. Its just things I got learnt growing plants in peat based mixes, no coco no hydro so basicly I am just a noob. There are muuuuch knowledgable guys who can maybe give you better advices. Good luck bro!


Well-Known Member
My lights are 18-19 inches away, they are kingbright 320w. I give it 1 gallon at it has mabe 600ml run off. It had a couple leaves bitten, but thats all. Usually seems to go away during flowering


Well-Known Member
You fuck around with your plants so much I'm shocked you have harvested anything.

If you are seriously interested in advice you would have listened by now.

Flush it. That'll fix it.


Well-Known Member
The one that's not flowering has the best chance.

The problem with the onse flowering is that any worse and your going to get very little bud trichs or yield and by the end of flower add on another month as they have a tendency to grow slow and never finish when this unhappy.

It's hard to save a flowering plant easier in veg.

That Tom's done for as well, total deficiency caused by overdose calmag pH you name it it's there.

Soil water and feed in a few weeks when they ask, anything in between is something else not cal mag or pH.


Well-Known Member
These are pics
This is going to be tough bro... guys are right I see their point, but I see yours as well. Raise the lights, remove all lower heavy affected leaves, turn over the sucers (hopefully you have always removed runoff?) to lift the plants up from that floor and prepare the balanced food in 1/3 dose. Have you flushed them with just plain water? Than you need to feed them, go low on EC but give them everything what they need. Thats what I would do on your place. The most important thing is: to take some advice of this whole situation to the future, learning and getting experiences, that counts also. Head up bro! GL


Well-Known Member
You fuck around with your plants so much I'm shocked you have harvested anything.

If you are seriously interested in advice you would have listened by now.

Flush it. That'll fix it.
I did listen you moron. This is a completely a different problem. I did not use cal mag until later last time and people told me to buy it! So shut the fuck up. Tired of people like you being rude and disrespectful. DONT FUCKIN COMMENT!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
The one that's not flowering has the best chance.

The problem with the onse flowering is that any worse and your going to get very little bud trichs or yield and by the end of flower add on another month as they have a tendency to grow slow and never finish when this unhappy.

It's hard to save a flowering plant easier in veg.

That Tom's done for as well, total deficiency caused by overdose calmag pH you name it it's there.

Soil water and feed in a few weeks when they ask, anything in between is something else not cal mag or pH.
I did it before, I can do it again. Like I said I did worse last grow and got good results. I learned from my mistakes last grow. This moron that commented above dont know shit about last grow. I will stop cal mag and try just nutes. I can do that today because they finally dried out. If I can stop them now, they should be fine.


Well-Known Member
This is going to be tough bro... guys are right I see their point, but I see yours as well. Raise the lights, remove all lower heavy affected leaves, turn over the sucers (hopefully you have always removed runoff?) to lift the plants up from that floor and prepare the balanced food in 1/3 dose. Have you flushed them with just plain water? Than you need to feed them, go low on EC but give them everything what they need. Thats what I would do on your place. The most important thing is: to take some advice of this whole situation to the future, learning and getting experiences, that counts also. Head up bro! GL
If my plant is basically dead already then pretty much 90% of growers shouldn't be getting any yields period.

