Nute Lock?


Well-Known Member
How do I know if I have nute lock? None of the leaves show's any sign of nute burnt but plant just won't grow.


Well-Known Member
Sounds more like a Co2 problem then. You need either fresh air exchange or co2 supplement or they wont grow.
How do I know if I have nute lock? None of the leaves show's any sign of nute burnt but plant just won't grow.

Keif Cheif

I agree that you probably could use some more fresh air. Also try not watering it so much, maybe let it get on the "dry" side before watering. It will show the tips of the leaves burnt, or a curling/twisting of the leaves


Well-Known Member
I'm growing outdoor I can't control the Co2. There's no burnt leaves and I think I saw 1 or 2 little leaves that's curl up but it rained for 2 days and if there's any kinda lock it should be flush out already and I had to water my plants because it was over 100 degrees.