Nute Deficiency? (PICS)


Active Member
I have another post going in the Noob forum but I've noticed sometimes more of the knowledgeable peoples are perusing this forum...

I was recently hit by root rot and so I ended up tossing out my plants :( I completely sterilized the entire setup with h202, rinse, alcohol, rinse, pHed water, rinse...

I put six other little ones I had sprouting in there and in a week I now have another problem :(

It's a DWC system, the temp in the chamber is 74 the res is 68... I tried looking up all the plant diagnosis guides but I didn't see any pics of something similar... If I loose this crop too it's going to be four months until I can attempt this again because of an upcoming move... as I don't have enough time to start from seed... again... This is also $400 worth of seeds that will be useless as well as about that much in nutes, water, etc...

I'm very frustrated :-\

Here's the post with pics in the noob forum:


Active Member
looks like a bit of nitrogen defeceny.

if your using dwc, u can make tea's out of water soluable nutes.


Active Member
pH is 5.8 although it keeps rising rather fast... water temp is correct... what else could it be?

Doesn't a Nitrogen Def usually start with older leaves first?


Well-Known Member
pH is 5.8 although it keeps rising rather fast... water temp is correct... what else could it be?

Doesn't a Nitrogen Def usually start with older leaves first?
Yeah i don't think that's your problem.

Have you tested your water for TDS? The leaves are very ridged, which in soil means things are getting salty.


Active Member
Yeah i don't think that's your problem.

Have you tested your water for TDS? The leaves are very ridged, which in soil means things are getting salty.
PPM is 750 ... That should be fine... Should I try flushing them with pH balanced water just in case? The previous solution was a little high at almost 950...


Active Member
I have no idea... I tried using both piranha and tarantula powder this time and it start creating tons of bacteria... supposedly good but I decided to completely drain the res and give them new nutes... this time without piranha and tarantula... that stuff is ridiculous... perhaps the supposedly good bacteria is causing the pH to rise?


Active Member
y0 sorry for jackin ya thread, but yeah cee, my avatar is the columbia gorge! wondered how long till someone asked me, man that was quick, you've been here cee?



Well-Known Member
y0 sorry for jackin ya thread, but yeah cee, my avatar is the columbia gorge! wondered how long till someone asked me, man that was quick, you've been here cee?

hell yeah. NW native. Born in Seattle, raised in P-town .. be back within the year. stopped in the bay area for five years or so .

to the OP: this is the time in the convo where I tell you that i'm in soil/soilless, so my advice past this point is not worth much. something about your pH is fooked, and maybe some of these hydro folks can help you figure out why ...


Active Member
sorry mayne, iam soil too lol, iam with cee on this one.
Cee, thats cape horn, anyone who's been here can regocnize the gorge lol, i've been here for about 20 yrs or so, its awesome around here, i love it, iam in washington, but i was just in p-town yesterday, we'll have to meet up one of these days if your medical.



Active Member
to the OP: this is the time in the convo where I tell you that i'm in soil/soilless, so my advice past this point is not worth much. something about your pH is fooked, and maybe some of these hydro folks can help you figure out why ...
Well thanks for the help though, hopefully someone can help me out...