Nute Burn?


This was my couple week old girl ( horribly slow growth) before the big damage.

She had something that seemed like a Mg def.
But then her middle leaves started to twist and then a little after that after her next watering she looked like this.

here you see her top leaves, which aren't discolored, curling up on the serrated edges.

I really feel i just gave here some really "hot" water, and its a nute burn, but I just wanna get your opinion.
Here's some side info.
Temps have been in proper range. 20-25C
Coco+ Perlite medium.
105cfm inline + extractor.
I am far from having experience like others here but I am wondering if your running your light(s) too close or even too strong. But don't worry, the pros will start jumping in for help and your girls will pop back to health... Good luck Bro and have fun


at first i was running a florescent tneon secret jardin light, which wasn't getting the plants hot so i put it very close for a time. Im sure now that was a mistake as i noticed bleaching of the then-current new growth and they were also curling up.

I now have an area 51 XGS 190 running on 130 true watts, it is about 20' above the canopy, which according to the par readings and umole chart, is appropriate for vegetative growth.
SO i don't think it was the big problem in this change


Well-Known Member
ok for later buddy

1 first thing u always do if the plant is introuble is check the PH of the soil/hydro...............i do beleive that coco is 5.8 double check this
(to test this u get some water and Ph it to the correct lvl and then pour it tho the planter untill some leaks out the bottome and capture some of that put it in a glass and test it they have electronic meters that will give it to u with great acc but they require calibations and storage stuff............they have droplet test this will get u a close idea the meter is the better choice for hydro set ups...................last choice is a soil probe most of them will give it to u in .5 readings ok for soil)

2 thing the water u give it water has chemicals in the system to release this fill a tub with hot water and allow it to get cold this will be good to use (the heat and the time with the open surface area has allowed the water to release them) jug them up (when i say jugs i mean water jugs not milk jugs milk jugs are no good for water it turns foul in them..........drinking water jug or distilled water or juice jug washed out)

3 thing microbos in the soil/root zone ..........these little guys do alot of good for u....u need to supply them with food and extra microbos to replace what is missing and add in for more growth...............most product lines have a feed made just for this..........kangroot/ micrbo brew/voodoo juice/ several others that i have not learned about or messed with yet...............use some in the system it improves the plants intake of the goodies along lowering chances of messing up and your need to keep fixing it

burn looks diffenert the tips(the tips of the leaf all the tips) of the leaves gets fried and then it moves inward on the leaf behide is brown dry leaf that flacks off

yellowing like that looks to be lock out in your soil/coco .............yah i am pretty sure i see red/purple stem on the plant that is a sign it is missing N or P or K ............check your ph and feed the microbos

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i think you burned it. the new growth looks good so keep an eye on that part of the plant. that will tell you how it's doing. did you flush really well after fertilizing?


New Member
Hi I have a problem with my project, she is 4 week old, standing 7inch tall, growing in a 3ft Length X 3ft wide X 4ft high box in my attic, she is running under a 125w CFL grow lamp with reflector and 4 X 20w 2700k bulbs running at same time, the 125w is 2inch from top of project and the 20w are 4-6inch away from sides, the temperature is 26.4c during the day and 25.2c during the night, I'm running at 24/0 light due to heat issues, as I was struggling to keep her warm during the lights off period of 18/6, I have bought a pipe heater for this problem now so I'm ready for 12/12 when the time comes, the room humidity is at 56%, I am using bio bizz light mix (peat moss, sphagnum peat, perlight EC:1,2 - PH:6,2) and give her bio bizz bio-bloom nutes, NPK: 2.0 - 7 - 4 every water/ 3 days, I half the reccomended amount and half it again which gives me around 1.5-2ml per litre, she has had this from the start and has reacted well from this, she had a problem around 2 weeks old when one of her leaves was effected by something which is similar to this, from the tip of the leaf and 2cm up it had died and curled up, she recovered from this and carried on vegging, now this problem has effected a few leaves, they are going brown and curling up, i repotted her 2 days ago to a 5 gallon, her roots are already coming through the bottom, out of light, I watered her again this morning incase of nute block or something, thought she might need flushing, if anyone can see any problems with my methods could you please educate me :) I'm not sure how to add pictures, if I can Suss it then il pop some up


New Member
Hi I have a problem with my project, she is 4 week old, standing 7inch tall, growing in a 3ft Length X 3ft wide X 4ft high box in my attic, she is running under a 125w CFL grow lamp with reflector and 4 X 20w 2700k bulbs running at same time, the 125w is 2inch from top of project and the 20w are 4-6inch away from sides, the temperature is 26.4c during the day and 25.2c during the night, I'm running at 24/0 light due to heat issues, as I was struggling to keep her warm during the lights off period of 18/6, I have bought a pipe heater for this problem now so I'm ready for 12/12 when the time comes, the room humidity is at 56%, I am using bio bizz light mix (peat moss, sphagnum peat, perlight EC:1,2 - PH:6,2) and give her bio bizz bio-bloom nutes, NPK: 2.0 - 7 - 4 every water/ 3 days, I half the reccomended amount and half it again which gives me around 1.5-2ml per litre, she has had this from the start and has reacted well from this, she had a problem around 2 weeks old when one of her leaves was effected by something which is similar to this, from the tip of the leaf and 2cm up it had died and curled up, she recovered from this and carried on vegging, now this problem has effected a few leaves, they are going brown and curling up, i repotted her 2 days ago to a 5 gallon, her roots are already coming through the bottom, out of light, I watered her again this morning incase of nute block or something, thought she might need flushing, if anyone can see any problems with my methods could you please educate me :) I'm not sure how to add pictures, if I can Suss it then il pop some up


Well-Known Member
The pictures above are almost certainly nute burn.
Also, the description of "painfully slow growth....".

With these symptoms i'd guess nute burn and EC/pH test your nute/water mix and act accordingly.

I had the same problem about 4 weeks ago and it stunted my plants (added about 7-10 days).

But they can be saved.

sativa indica pits

Active Member
Hi I have a problem with my project, she is 4 week old, standing 7inch tall, growing in a 3ft Length X 3ft wide X 4ft high box in my attic, she is running under a 125w CFL grow lamp with reflector and 4 X 20w 2700k bulbs running at same time, the 125w is 2inch from top of project and the 20w are 4-6inch away from sides, the temperature is 26.4c during the day and 25.2c during the night, I'm running at 24/0 light due to heat issues, as I was struggling to keep her warm during the lights off period of 18/6, I have bought a pipe heater for this problem now so I'm ready for 12/12 when the time comes, the room humidity is at 56%, I am using bio bizz light mix (peat moss, sphagnum peat, perlight EC:1,2 - PH:6,2) and give her bio bizz bio-bloom nutes, NPK: 2.0 - 7 - 4 every water/ 3 days, I half the reccomended amount and half it again which gives me around 1.5-2ml per litre, she has had this from the start and has reacted well from this, she had a problem around 2 weeks old when one of her leaves was effected by something which is similar to this, from the tip of the leaf and 2cm up it had died and curled up, she recovered from this and carried on vegging, now this problem has effected a few leaves, they are going brown and curling up, i repotted her 2 days ago to a 5 gallon, her roots are already coming through the bottom, out of light, I watered her again this morning incase of nute block or something, thought she might need flushing, if anyone can see any problems with my methods could you please educate me :) I'm not sure how to add pictures, if I can Suss it then il pop some up

first... make a new post, one of your own... this is some one elses post of their prob.

2nd break the post up a bit so its easier to read, hit return a few times in between sections like soil, ferts, lights, environments and so on
3rd cant really help ya out with out pics. There is a little icon right above where u type^ about here to insert images good luck