nute burn


Is there a way to correct nute burn? I used some composted chicken shit and believe I over did it, is there a cure for this?


Well-Known Member
once there is burn it remains you can't undo/cure it all you can do is stop it and watch new growth for improvement

since you have chosen to go organic and give up control you are looking at transplanting and carefully brushing/shaking the loose soil from the roots to reduce the chicken poop because if you flush it will just release more nutes and get more burn


Yeah I was putting it in a 3 gallon pot and I threw about 3 handfulls in with my soil and it drooped for about 2 days then straightened up but the leaves still drooped and the bottem 4 to 6 fan leaves are turnning yellow. I think I am going to go back to what I was doing before that way I know my measurements.