Nute Burn, Then PH off, WHAT NOW? PICS PLS HELP!


Active Member
Soil: Fox Farms Ocean Forest / Light Warrior
Nutes: Big BLoom only fed with a couple times and low doses
Light: 400w HPS 12/12 from seed, topped for 2 colas.

Had PH being off and got a soil meter to use to guess PH until my meter arrives, so it could technically still be PH being off. I cure one problem and another comes, what does this look like guys?



Active Member
This just happened today and I dont want my plant to die. someone help me confirm this or tell me whats wrong. Is it just PH being off still? Ive been trying to get it as close as possible using a soil meter until my electric one arrives.


Active Member
looks like Nitrogen Definciancy, you are in bloom so check out your bloom food to suppliment with some Nitro. I do add N during flower


Active Member
WEll I have some N, but I mean the leaves all sorts of fucked up. And it happened in one day, so Im not sure, any other ideas?


WEll I have some N, but I mean the leaves all sorts of fucked up. And it happened in one day, so Im not sure, any other ideas?
I was just wondering if anyone has come across this situation as I am using the same mix and same problems.


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
newer growth looks good I wouldn't worry too much unless this keeps getting worse. I say nitrogen difficiency too it's probably used up all the nutes that were in the OF and the big bloom is very low in proimary nutes. Try some bloom ferts.


Active Member
newer growth looks good I wouldn't worry too much unless this keeps getting worse. I say nitrogen difficiency too it's probably used up all the nutes that were in the OF and the big bloom is very low in proimary nutes. Try some bloom ferts.
I am going to give them some juice as soon as my PH meter gets here, I'm not gonna risk nuking them otherwise. It's scary, but I must wait it out.